Chapter 8

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"So hyun!"

         I heard a familiar voice calling my name loudly and I was pulled away from the edge into a warm chest.

      He moved me from the edge of cliff keeping his hands as he turned me around. His face hiding in my neck, his hot and heavy breaths tingling my soft skin, his arms clutching my waist.

"I thought I was late... I thought I'm  never gonna see you again." He whispered.

"Took you long time..." I said wrapping my hands around my one and only jimin and rested my chin on his shoulder.

He pulled away cupping my face with his rough and warm hands.

    "Never Ever ! do this again.. Did you ever thought about what would have happen to me if you had done that..?" his eyes were shining with unshed tears.

"You would've cried a little maybe..?" I said giving him a faint smile.

"Yeah...? And?" he pinched my cheeks hard.

"oww.. Stop that.. it's hurting!" I whined in pain

"Good!! That's what I intended to do."

"Let me show you how this ray of sunshine can burn you!" he said pinching me harder.

"Yah, yah... stop its really painful!"

"Really?" he asked

"Yes... let go of me now."

"Okay then, how about this?" and he put me in a headlock.

"You wanted to do suicide right? Let's go now huh.. Let's do that!" he was angry

"Yah! Crazy idiot! H-How can you put a G-Girl in HEADLOCK!!?" I said getting chocked. I elbowed him in the ribs and let myself free.


        "And where were you all this time huh! y-you didn't even replied my messages! You ignored me! You abandoned me!" I forwarded towards him on verge of tears. He looked at me softly

"I'm sorry cupcake... I'm sorry..." he closed the distance between us, hanging his hands loosely over my sides.

"You left me... you left me all alone... " I started crying and hitting his chest

"You idiot! Dumbo! Jerk! You headless chicken!" I continued to hit him with my every word and embraced him tightly, crying.

     "I'm here now.... I'm here. With you. Don't cry now, okay?" he patted my back with one hand and his other hand moving in my hair. I closed my eyes feeling safe and peaceful in my best friends' arms.

"hmmm.." we stood like that for some time as the cool breeze flowed and the sunrays faded allowing skies to get drunk in the hues of pinks, purple, and blues.

"Hungry?" he asked as he swayed me from side to side softly.

"hmm." I just hummed sinking in his warm chest as colder breeze waved again.

"Let's go home... it's getting cold out here." He loosened our embrace and connected our fingers.

"Shall we?" I nodded at him and we started walking away.

"Oh! Jimin wait!" I stopped remembering the stranger.

I looked around but he was nowhere to found.

"What are you looking for?" jimin asked with scrunched eyebrows

"That person..." I said still looking around


"The one who saved me and took care of me whole night" I looked at jimin

"Oh.. Was that person here? What's the name?" he inquired

"I –I don't know his name but he was here before you came"

"I didn't saw anyone going.... and how do you not know his name?" he asked getting worried

"Just never asked..." I shrugged

"Ah! Forget it... let's head home we have a long way to go!" he tugged at my hand signalling to walk and I complied.

      I wonder where that stranger disappeared to...

 He was the person who made me smile in my darkness, who made me understand that you should not depend on others to be happy and that you are the one you should care for the most and love the most because others will come and go but you are with yourself till the end.


       In this world full of practical people no one knows if there are any divine beings or any angels...

     But if there were any... it must be him.

My angel who saved me from my demons, who opened my eyes to see the beauty of life..

      My angel without wings...

                                       The Wingless Angel.

And I'm too lucky that he found me.

       Stars twinkled above our head as me and jimin stood in my balcony, leaning over the glass barrier with a hot cup of coffee in our hands and smile on our faces. Starting the new chapter of my life. I hope he is smiling too.

"So hyun-ah! Look a shooting star... make a wish...!" jimin pointed out

I closed my eyes wishing....

For me, him...

                        ...and my angel.


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