chapter 3

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3 years ago...

"Dad... I got this offer to model for this clothing line... it's really a golden opportunity for me. If I did a good job in this I can get lot of jobs. Please allow me..." I was begging my dad to give me permission to sign the temporary contract for modelling in this clothing line.

"Ahn So Hyun! How many times should I tell you that I will not give you permission for this nonsense! This modelling will not take you anywhere! I will never permit this vulgar drama.
Go back in you room and learn some etiquette from your mother." My father yelled at me.

Our family was with one of that traditional thinking. Where women are just to take care of kids and household. My mom is like that too. She never raised her voice or argued with my father even once. Just obeying his orders till now and in future too I don't think that'll change.

But I am different. I don't want to be like her. I want to be my own person. A free bird without any restrictions of cage.

So, that's what I did. With my savings from my previous modelling work. Which of course I did secretly. I ran away and got free from my father's cage.

I leaved a note saying

"I'll return when I become successful..."

The starting days were really hard the fashion industry was no joke. But somehow I survived.

There were times when I was really broke but my friend helped me a lot.

I was doing a part time job at café that time. The auditions for the modelling company had some time and the contract with that clothing line has ended. So, I decide to get a part time job till the auditions. And well my rents are due for the month...

"Here's your latte sir..."

"Thank you... So Hyun? Ahn So Hyun..?!" the customer askes surprisingly

"Yes, how do- Jimin?" I looked up at that person recognising him.

Park jimin, my school friend. We were best friend back then. He was the top student in our class but sucked at drawings where I sucked at other things than drawing. I used to do his drawing homework and he used complete my journals.

"Long time huh?" he smiled at me

"Yes... do you live in this neighborhood?" he was wearing casual clothes, white sweater with black pants.

"Yeah, I live 2 blocks away. When will your shift end? Because I don't think I'll let you go just like this" he said with the firm voice glancing after the line which was starting to form behind him beside the counter.

"In 20 minutes" I answered.

"I'll wait for you" he said and got away to sit at the table in corner. He was able to see me from there.

It was nearly evening and end of my shift. Jimin and I shared a good bond. But when we graduated from school our contact got cut off. Our family knew each other, we were almost family friends. However, his family was really cool unlike mine.

It was nearly a year I left my family and they didn't even tried to contact me once and I also didn't tried. I was not famous yet.

Jimin and I were now outside of the cafe I work heading nowhere but just walking side by side in silence.

"Can you stop being awkward?" jimin said abruptly stopping in his track. I also stopped turning to face him. He looked annoyed but something was telling me that he was happy to see me.

"Of course! I wasn't awkward by the way..." I said slightly puffing my cheeks.

And he instantly pinched my cheeks. I squealed in surprise. He was squishing my cheeks just how we do of a baby and the passer-by's were giving us different type of looks while going their way.

"Ah... I missed pulling your cheeks" he said chuckling

"Hey! Stob it!" I said slapping his hands. He removed his hands and I instantly check my face in my front camera, my cheeks were red.

"See what you have done, Dumbo!" I said huffing

"Added some colour to your face" he giggled and clasped our hands together pulling me with him

"Let's go! We have so much to catch up!"

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