chapter 2

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"Hey, wait up! I'm Sorry..." he grabbed my hand stopping me but released when I turned around to him.


"Nothing, are you going home?"

"No, I am going to wait until tomorrow and then try to jump again because you ruined my death!

        Seriously! You don't even know me and yet you're judging me. What do you know about my heart? My feelings? My family? That you're saying it'll be okay?!" I said in annoyance folding my arms.

"Hey... I'm sorry... I.. just..." he said softly looking down

"It's okay... after tomorrow I won't feel anything... I won't... I'll be gone" I said smiling at him sadly, my heart clenching in the feels.

"Do you... really want to die?" he asked as his hood slipped away giving wind full access to play with his hair as the last ray of sun surrounded him from behind making an aura around him. He looked so cute and hot in same time as he ran a hand from his hair.

    Suddenly, he hugged me. I was shocked at this stranger who was hugging me like this.

    "It's okay. You can cry... just cry all your heart out" he said patting my back softly as a sob came out of me and I realized I was crying. I felt him ran his hands through my hair. It was so soothing and relaxing.

I rested my head on his shoulder clutching the sides of his jacket pouring my all emotions out in his embrace.

I cried at least for half an hour as he just stood their comforting me in silence. His embrace was like magic..  the most comfortable and warm hug I've ever had.

      After that ugly cry we were settled on the bench at the bus stop of cliff, the light from the stop flickering over us as he was handing me the water bottle he brought from the little store by the bus stop.

"Feeling better? Your face is puffy after all that crying, cry-baby.." he said poking my cheek with his finger after I was done drinking water.

"Stop that.." I said pouting

"Oh why? So cute!" he said now pinching my cheeks smiling crazily

Feeling annoyed I attacked on him by squeezing his both ears.

"Oww... let go.." he whined backing away his hands from my cheeks

"Well that's what you get for pinching my cheeks!" I gave his ear a last pinch and let it go

He started nursing his red ears as I mine red cheeks.

We looked at each other and started to laugh at ourselves.

"Your hands are too cold!" he said in between laugh

"And yours too warm...!"

I said as I still felt the warmth on my cheeks.

   A bus arrived on the stop and he quickly took my hand making me stand up to follow him in the almost empty bus. He got us ticket of the last stop and leaded me towards the empty seat at the back.

"Where are we going?" I asked him

"We are going where the bus will take us..." he said smiling at me

"Now explain why you really wanted to die?" he questioned me quickly not letting me think about the situation we were in...

"Why do you want to know that...?"

I said looking away. Focusing outside of the window seeing passing trees, vehicles and houses in dim street lights.

"Just tell me ... I'll not judge promise..." he said

   I turned to look at him and he held my gaze.. His uneven eye shape... those dark, warm and welcoming eyes.. Gave me this urge to tell him my whole life story..., my twitters' password and my hidden locker where I stacked my Oreos...

"I'll tell you if you tell yours in return.." I proposed the deal.

"Ok, deal!" he forwarded his hand and shakes it with mine.

"First I didn't get betrayed ok! I am just... it's really tiring to live like this... surrounded by the people but still alone... I always dreamed to be a model and I have achieved that dream but in the path of achieving that dream, the path towards my family disappeared... I achieved my dream became a successful model. Received fame, money and glamour but still that road didn't appear... I had my friend though, but after some time he was also not responding to me.....

I don't know what has gone wrong...

That made him abandon me... 

and I had never thought that while going he'll take my happiness... my strength.. 

My hope with him."

The Wingless AngelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ