Chapter 7

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      I opened my eyes quickly in panic but closed it because of the blinding sun rays. Once again I slowly opened my eyes shielding with my hands in process. I was sweating with fear and  my breath was ragged.

   It was a bad dream a nightmare but the truth too... I was alone with no one else on my side now... no one wants me... no one needs me... not my family and nor jimin...

He left me... he really left me...

  Tears escaped from my eyes as I stood up to calm down my emotions.

     After a minute or two I realised I was alone. He was not here with me that stranger. I looked around to find him but he was nowhere at the beach. I walked here and there looking for him but I didn't find him. Tired, I sat back on the bench I dosed off.

"Did he leave me too?" I sighed.

Surprisingly I felt someone sit beside me. I looked up and saw... it was him with his cute boxy smile

  "Oh? Are you awake? I was in the hotel behind in washroom" he said keeping that silly smile on his face

"I thought you left." I said looking in his beautifully uneven eyes.

"Well... everyone goes when it's there time. No one is forever with you... you are the only one who's forever with you. Don't cry when people leave you; just be happy for the time they've been with you.. Let it be short or long, be happy for those small memories they shared with you and let them go..." he said wiping my tears

"Just let it go... let go of all the bad things and try to see beauty of life. Enjoy yourself cause you are the only one you need to be happy for... how can you think there is no one for you? When you have YOU."

"Let's go! I heard there is amusement park near here! It's gonna be fun but first let's eat something I'm hungry and this restaurant sells delicious food." He took my hand guiding me towards the restaurant.

"Are you ready?" he asked


"Then let's get it!" he exclaimed

    We were sitting at roller-coaster which was damn scary. It started to move increasing its speed with the same speed my screams started to increase too.

"Hey! Don't close your eyes.. We're at the most amazing part of the ride!" he yelled shaking my hand which I was holding tightly.

    I opened my eyes and saw we were at the highest point of roller-coaster where it was stooped waiting for the drop

"Look we can see everything from up here!" he yelled in the strong wind

"Wow... it's beau- ahhhhhhhhhh!" and suddenly it dropped

"Woo hooo!" he screamed in joy holding my hand up with his.

After the roller-coaster we were in line for the Viking ship.

"Ugh! My hair is a mess" I complained fixing my long hair

"Its fine..." he joined combing my hair with his long fingers

"It was fun isn't it?" he added

"Yeah... it was" I said still pouting

"Then smile a little will you?" he said cupping my face with his big warm hands, squeezing it smiling.

I giggled a little as he was making funny faces

"Now you look cuter! Smile a bit more often will you?"

     We had so much fun in the rides. We tried everything from extreme ones to cute ones.

"Here!" he handed me a cotton candy shaped like a rabbit.

"Thank you" I said and he settled beside me on the bench of the amusement park. It was a warm afternoon.

 It was a warm afternoon

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"So... where do you wanna go now?" he asked me eating his bear shaped cotton candy

"Hmm... it will be evening soon I should go at the cliff you know."

"Why?" he looked at me

"You know why..."

"You still wanna do it?" he said concentrating his gaze on his sugary sweet bear.

I didn't say anything and just kept eating.

"Okay... let's go then."

We came out of the amusement and climbed in the bus which was going to take us at cliff.

The cliff where I was last evening, where I met him.

Whole ride we didn't said any words to each other just sat in silence.

    The sun was started to set as we arrived at the top of the cliff. Everything was just same as yesterday. Same cold breeze making my hair fly. The beautiful but deadly height, trees shading their orange leave. Just like yesterday but something was different... something was changed...

"Just think about it... one more time Ahn so hyun"

      I didn't answer him because that's what I was doing. Thinking...

Spending this time with this stranger I've realized that you can't stop anyone from entering and exiting from your life. It is not dependent on just you but that person too.

     I couldn't stop jimin from drifting away from me, just like I couldn't stop this handsome stranger coming in my life like this. Whatever reason jimin has that cause us to drift away from me maybe it is genuine.

I thought achieving my dreams alone made me strong. I used to think I was strong but I was not...

Because, just the absence of one person in my life took me here

At this edge of cliff.

I shouldn't just give up like this.. On my career, on my life, on me..

      What's the point in dying like this?

It's pitiful and he's right... it doesn't look cool.

It's okay to have no one. There are people who are alone from the birth.

It's okay if I'm alone... at least I'm in this beautiful world. At least my dream is with me.. How can I let it die with me?

So, from now on I Ahn so hyun decide to let go the old me and born like a new person

A new start... new me.

I saw at the took in the beautiful scenery from this edge, closing my eyes taking a deep breath and said        "I let you go now..."


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