unconfortable questions

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*few minutes later*
Ohh, much better.
I felt my phone vibrate in my jacket. It was a massage from Jake.
'Alright! We're in! How are you?'
I long sight escaped my lips while texting him.
'Jake, I really don't feel right about this whole thing. I think we got the wrong person'. Sent. Geez, we need to get out of here..
'What are you talking about? I'm sure it's him! In five minutes I'm in your room. I need to finish exploring this room first.' I just threw my phone on the bed, when I was done reading.
I knew it! He definitly won't leave whithout some evidence...but maybe tnere is no evidence to find!? We can't just stay here forever!
*knock, knock
"Comin'"I said pulling the door open. "Jake we really need to-..oh, hi!"
Alec stood lost in thought for a while, till he raise his eyes to look at me.
"Were you expecting the other guy?"Alec asked with his eyebrows raised.
"Err..kind of."
I felt my cheeks burning and I had no ideea what to say.
I made dinner, he said at last. Do you guys want to join me?
"That's so nice of you, you really didn't have to. I'll go ask Jake, but I'm sure he's hungry as always."
"I'll be waiting for you in five minutes downstairs, all right?"
"Ok, thank you."
He nodded and left.
'Wow, I didn's see this coming'. I was about to close the door, when Jake entered.
"Why was he here?"he whispered panicked. "What did he want?"
"He made us dinner."
"What?"he asked puzzled. "Why would a murd-"
"Shhh, I told you he's not! Now let's go."
Jake was right, it was strange, but in a good way.
When we got to the kitchen I couldn't believe my eyes. He made us SALAD! God, I thought I was the only one loving salads so much..
"Please sit. Hope you don't mind, I don't eat too much in the evening."
"Not at all, I do the same thing. I couldn't be happier actually"I said smiling.
"Yeah.."Jake mumbled"..yummy salad."
I invited Jake once to eat salad with me, though I knew he wasn't the 'salad type'. He accused me of wanting to kill him.
"So..how long have you been living here?" Jake asked, avoiding the salad.
"All my life" he aswered shortly.
"But, how come you live-"
"Let's eat. You put a lot of questions, don't you think?"
"Not my fault, I'm just curious. But is unusual, you-"
"Mmm Jake, why dont't you try some of this wonderful salad? "I said filling his plate. "I really like the way you mixed it. It's delicious, right Jake?"
After a few minutes of awakward silence, I decided to break the ice.
"You know, sunset is really enchanting in the room you gave me. So many colors wake up the artist inside me-"
"She liked it too..what a shame.."he whispeded for himself, suddenly looking like the saddest man on earth.
"...who....?" I asked.
He stood up, turning his face to the wall.
"I lost my apetite. I'm going upstairs. When you're done just leave everything like this. I'll clean up tomorrow."
I wanted to say good night, but he already left. His voice sounded so sad, it made me tear up.
I looked at Jake. He didn't get it either.
"Was I rude?"I asked.
"No ideea...but he is wierd, that's for sure...now eat your dear salad and let's go to bed already."
When we were done I insisted to wash the dishes too. I felt bad for ruining his kind gesture.
I was so lost in thought I didn't even know how or when did I end up in my room. I couldn't help it, the questions were flowing like crazy. Who was 'she'? I fell asleep with this question on my mind.

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