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I pulled myself closer so I could whisper in his ear.

"Wake up, sunshine. We need your help."

It might surprise you, but he didn't wake. I pressed my ear against his chest and waited.
"His heartbeat is weaker now..Jake..what are we going to do..?"

"Don't know." He shrugged. "Kissing him might work, right? Like in those fairytales you're obssesed with."
A grinn spread across my face. So I was't the only one thinking like that. Interesting.
I lifted his chin and gave him a small kiss...well, it didn't work and my patience was running low.

"Other ideas?" I asked hopelessly.

"I'll go fetch some water from the kitchen. Maybe splashing him in the face will work. It always does for me at least. I'll be right back."

After Jake left, I was getting more and more dessperate.
"Come on Alec.." I begged." Wake up!"

Tears were flowing down my cheeks but I didn't really care.

All that effort pulling him out of the dark thing was going waste as he was now fading by the second under her very eyes. I buried my face in his chest.

"Wake up, you idiot!" I found myself yelling at him. "Don't you leave me!"
I was so frustrated I punched his chest.

"I cannot lose you like this" that's when my nerves broke. "I can't lose you becouse I care too much about you.." I hesitated "no..., becouse I LOVE YOU".

The last part came out of my mouth like a desperate shriek of some animal loosing their partner. That was exactly how I felt. I rested my hurting head against his chest and cryed my heart out.

I felt some strong arms hugging me. Was I dreaming? I couldn't make myself to open my eyes, fearing that the sweet dream of him waking might break.
Then I felt him move into a sitting position, his arms lifting me. He placed me on his lap and held me tight.

"It's all gone now" Alec whispered. "I'm back. All thanks to you."

He planted a kiss on my head and I finally mustered the courage to open my eyes and look at him. He was really there..
I wanted to say something to him but my troath hurt so bad and tears wouldn't stop flowing.

"Lydia, here's the water, with no spit in it, I swear." Jake called climbing the stairs." Can I be the one to..splash him...oh, no need for that anymore. Such a dissapointment."

Alec held his hand out for the cup and Jake gave it to him. He held the cup to my lips.
"Drink this, sunshine, your troath will feel better."he said gently, helping me take a sip of water.
It was kind of hard to drink, but after the first sip I was able to hold the cup myself.

"I'm glad that you're back"I managed to make out.

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