the power of feelings

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The feeling of nothingness...such a strange feeling.

Is this how Alec felt? Dark nothingness..wait, Alec! He must be here somewhere!

I tryed calling him, but no sound came out. My troath felt dry and painful and my eyes were heavy as lead.
I was going to fall asleep soon at this rate.

"...Lydia..please, listen to need to wake up! Now!"

It was Alec's voice. It sounded so clear and close. That's right! I can't just stay here. I need to fight! Not just for him, but for me! And also Jake was hurt somewhere outside this dark bubble.

I started collecting beautiful, powerful memories I had so far.

I remembered the first time I made cookies that turned out more than half burned, but Jake was nice and ate them...I remembered all the 'friendly' fights between me and Jake...I remembered my parents reading me fairytales that thaught to dream big and not give up. Ever..I remembered all my friends that I missed so much...and Alec..with whom I shared a powerful bond.

All these thoughts lighted up my mind and the darkness around me started to fade.
My feelings for the ones I care for was stronger than the darkness surounding me. They woke me up.

I saw Alec not far ahead, slightly gleaming. He was trapped in a dark cocoon.

I went closer and ripped the ties that formed the cocoon, but not long after I cleared some space, it was filled with more ties in just a few seconds.

This won't do. I closed my eyes and imagined a dagger in my right hand. It was made of light. Light that rooted deep in my soul, getting its power from the intesity of my feelings.

With a quick movement I cut through tne dark bonds and before it could regenerate I pulled Alec out. He fell on me and with all his weight and made me lose my balance falling on my butt. He was so heavy. I was relieved when I felt his breath on my neck. He was alive!

I somehow managed to stand and pull him on my back. Now what? We need to get out somehow...

The darkness was no longer so dense, because it didn't have Alec to feed it, so I could cut my way out easyer. We moved slowly, one step at a time. At the final step Jake helped us too.

We layed him on the ground, waiting for something to happen.

"Is he alive?" Jake asked.

I nodded silently, not taking my eyes of Alec.

"I think we need to wake him up. Hopefully the dark thing will then disapear." I suggested.

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