Whump Fic Bingo Part 1

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Sooooooo I'm gonna do this...... I don't really know what I'm doing, so if you wanna critique, go ahead, I don't get offended easily. 

One of the curses of being half spider was you can't thermogegulate. So Peter is always cold. Always. So when Clint suggested going camping in the mountains for Spring Break, when the high in the mountains is 55 degrees, Peter really should've spoke up. But, because everyone seemed excited, he didn't. He just packed a lot of warm clothes.  And blankets.

-----------------(Name me)-----------------

Peter was preparing himself for a week in the freezing cold mountains. He wasn't ready for this. They got into the massive van that Tony had rented for the week, and drove off. 

As they got closer to the mountains, Peter got colder and colder, to the point where he started shivering slightly. He just grabbed a hoodie and a blanket, and wrapped himself up. He dropped off to sleep, as he was exhausted.  

"Who wants food??" Tony yelled from the passenger seat a few hours later. "MEE!!!!" Several voices yelled. "What about baby spider?" Tony asked. Nothing. "I think he's asleep." Clint said, looking over at the lump of fabric that was Peter. "Well, wake him up, he needs to eat more than any of us." Tony said. "Okay." Clint said, reaching over and shaking Peter. Peter groaned and swatted him away. "Peter, you gotta eat something." "Mmph." Peter mumbled. "Don' wanna." He was even colder and more exhausted then he was before his nap. Clint yanked his blankets off. "HEY!" Peter yelled. Now everyone could see how he was shivering violently. "Peter, are you okay?" Clint asked, concerned. He moved closer, and put his hands on Peter's arms. "Gosh, Peter, your freezing." Peter nodded, teeth chattering. "Spiders can't thermoregulate." He stuttered out. "I'm basically always cold." "Crap, Pete, why didn't you say anything? We don't have to go camping." Tony said, concerned. "Everyone seemed like they wanted to go, and I didn't want to make people sad." Peter said, leaning into Clint. Clint wrapped his arms around the shivering boy. "Peter, you are the best thing in our lives. We want you to be happy. We'll turn this car around right now and go home, because we can't have our baby getting hypothermia." Tony said. "We can go to Florida or something. Somewhere warm." Steve spoke up. Peter smiled tiredly. "I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry buddy, I'm sorry I suggested it." Clint said, hugging the young hero tightly. They ended up having a wonderful time in Orlando. Especially Peter, as it was hot. Tony bought him like five heated blankets, and during the winter, Peter sometimes used all of them at once. He loves his family.

Well, how was that. It was kinda rushed, sorry if it seems so. I'll write again soon!

Irondad/Spiderson One-Shots!!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora