Febwhump-Living Nightmare

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Alt title: Those who suffer, survive

"Do I have to?" Peter whined. Tony sighed. "For the last time, yes, yes you do. We all agreed to do it." Peter crossed his arms. "I don't wanna." Tony frowned. "I'm sorry, but you gotta do it. I'm sorry, but we also have to film it." "What?!" Peter cried. "Yeah, we do. Something about showing the public we have fears too." Peter groaned.

Tony gently whacked him in the back of the head. "Hey, I know you really don't want to, but it's going to be okay." Peter took a deep breath. "Okay."

Steve went first. The room wasn't too big, no more than 15 feet by 15 feet. There were vibranium chains in the wall, to make sure those with super strength didn't hurt the walls. There were cameras in all the corners. After Steve was chained in, some scientist dude came in with a needle. "Are you ready Mr. Rogers?" He asked. Steve nodded. The scientist gave him the injection, then left the room. Steve closed his eyes waiting for the drug to take effect.

Suddenly his eyes shot open. He seemed to cower, whimpering. "No... No please..." He screamed.

Hours past. More people took their turn. The person who had spent the longest so far was Bucky, and he was in there for two hours.

Then it was Peter's turn. He went in, his hands shaking. Tony chained him in, "You can do this kid. I believe in you." Tony said with a small smile. Peter nodded, and waited for the drug to take effect.

"Peter! Peter! Peter! Peter? Peter? Peter..." Was all he could hear. He couldn't see anything, the only thing was darkness. His parents materialized in front of him. They then exploded. Peter cried out "No!" But they were already gone.

"Come on Einstein, it'll be fun." Skip crooned into his ear. "Now, remember what happens if you scream." Skip glared at him, then disappeared from view.

Pain. That was all he could feel. Everything was too bright, too loud, smells were too strong, clothing was intolerable. He pulled his shirt off over his head.

Gunshots rang out. Ben fell to the floor. Blood on Peter's hands. "Please Ben. Please!" Peter screaming for help, but none coming.

"You missed me!" Peter called. Toomes smiled. "I wasn't aiming for you." Toomes disappeared. Ten tons of concrete crashed down on Peter. He could feel his ribs breaking, the rock tearing his suit open.

"You will never be a hero. It was a mistake to offer you the opportunity to be an Avenger." Tony's voice floated out from the darkness. "What made you think you could?" Steve's voice said. "Especially after what happened to Ben. I wish you'd died instead of him!" May's voice said. "You are nothing." Bruce's voice mocked. "And you never will be." Natasha's voice said. "Worthless. Worthless. Worthless." All the voices said together. Over. And over. And over.


"He's been in there for thirty six hours." Tony said, pacing up and down the hallways. Peter had screamed, cried, used his own nails to scratch his arms and neck until they bled. "We can't pull him out." Steve said, looking miserable. "He has to do it."

Finally, after thirty seven hours. Peter relaxed. He slowly opened his eyes. "Oh thank god." Tony said, and he ran in. "I'm so sorry kiddo. I'm so so sorry."

I am a literal piece of shit, I wanted to get this done before June, cause I want to write quarantine shit and pride month stuff, but stupid brain doesn't want to work. I'm really really sorry.

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