Beat me, hurt me, kill me. But never, ever touch him

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So I wrote have of this while with my friends... It's short and kinda crappy but enjoy!

It was supposed to just be a normal day. Peter and Ned had been on their way to the Tower. They were going to have a Harry Potter movie marathon. But that, apparently was not in God's plan for them today. Peter and Ned had been kidnapped. Somehow they'd managed to knock Ned and Peter out.

-------------------------(Twenty Line Pilots Break)----------

When Peter woke up, he was alone. In a dimly lit room, he was chained to a chair. He had a collar around his neck, chains around his armkles and ankles. He tried to break the chains, but quickly realizes their made of vibranium. He just decided to sit wait, and see if anyone comes along.

This sucks Peter thought. He didn't know what time it was, how long he'd been there. He just kept trying to take deep breaths, attempting to stay calm.

"Well well well Parker." A man walked in. "Who are you?" Peter asked calmly. "That is none of your concern," He replied. "Now, onto business. I have a proposal for you. We have you and Leeds. You have the ability to 'buy' things for him. Such as if you go without food for a day, he will get some food. Going without a blanket with make it so he has one. Being beaten ensures he isn't harmed." Peter stared him down. "Promise me he won't be harmed if I agree." Peter said.

"If he is, you can shoot me yourself." The man replied.

So Peter agreed. He wouldn't, couldn't let Ned get hurt. Not after everything else they've gone through. So he let himself get hurt. Because God knows he's lost too many people.

The next few weeks, Peter thinks that's how much time has past, were hell for Peter. He was beaten every single day. The only thing that kept him going was the Ned wasn't getting the same treatment. The man had also promised that Ned didn't have any idea Peter was selling himself for him. All Peter could do was pray that Tony would find them eventually.

"We found them Tony." Steve called out walking into the lab. Tony whipped around. "Where are they?!" "South Carolina. We have a quinjet being prepared now. You ready to go?" "Hell yes. I've been waiting for this for three weeks." He and Steve left the lab.

"I found Ned, he looks pretty good. Lost a little weight, a couple scabs. Look about three weeks old." Nat said into her com. "Okay, I'll go find Peter." Steve said.

Wandering down a few hallways, Steve finally found him. "Steve?" Peter weak voice floated out of the darkness. "Oh God you came..." Steve walked in, and saw just how bad Peter was.

Peter face was unrecognizable. He was covered in blood, bruises, and was chained up by his neck and wrists. "Steve... I can't feel my lower body." Peter said shakily. "Oh God kid, Ned's fine, how are you this bad?" Steve asked, unchaining him. "They made a deal with me... If I was hurt, they wouldn't hurt him. If I didn't eat, he would. I don't remember when I last ate..." Steve was horrified, but not surprised. That was totally something Peter would do. Steve, as gently as he could, slipped his arms around Peter, and lifted him up.

Ned had not been expecting to see a destroyed Peter. He had seen his friend injured many times, but never this bad. The second he saw Peter, he'd jumped off the chair Bruce had made him sit in, and bolted over to Peter. "Oh God Peter... What did you do?" Peter smiles slightly. "Saved you, duh." Ned shook his head. "Your an idiot." Ned replied. "As long as you're okay." Peter said softly.

And yes, after Peter healed they did have their Harry Potter movie marathon.

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