Febwhump 4.- Red Stains

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Alt Title-I leave my mark wherever I go

"Tony, is Peter with you?!" Ned cried into the phone. "What? No, he went home a few hours ago, why?" Tony asked. "He won't answer me or MJ, or May. I've called him at least seven times, MJ four, and May twelve. He never goes this long, somethings wrong." Ned said, desperation clear in his voice. Tony instantly pulled up Peter's trackers on a hologram. "His trackers say he's home." Tony said, anxiety creeping into his voice. "I'm going now." Tony said, climbing into a suit. "Hurry!" Ned said, then hung up.

Tony flew as fast as he possibly could. He blasted the door down, and raced in.

The apartment was empty.

Back at the tower, Tony was trying to find a way to find Peter, when the TV flicked on. 

"Hello New York. I have a boy. A boy who has a relationship with Tony Stark. He's right here." The man with a white mask over his face stepped aside. Peter was looking right into the camera, eyes afire. He was chained to a chair. Blood ran down the side of his head, bruises down his arms, around his neck. "How does it feel, Parker," the man grabbed Peters hair and ripped his head back. "To know that even though the Avengers are your family, they are not coming. No one is coming for you. You are going to die here alone." The man shoved his head forward. Peter lifted his head, a burning in his eyes. "You're right," he said "No one is coming to save me. But I am already here."

Peter snapped the chains in one easy movement, and stood. He punched the man in the face, sending him flying across the room. More men ran in, aiming guns at him. Peter threw back his head, and laughed. He quickly disarmed the men, and knocked them out. He walked up to the camera. "Hope you enjoyed the show." Peter said, grinning slightly. He shut off the camera. 

Y'all I think I'm gonna take a break from Febwhump. I'm gonna write Pride month stuff, then go back to it. I'm sorry!!

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