Febwhump 5.- Intruder

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"Peter," Tony rubbed the bridge of his nose "These are the rouge Avengers." "I see that." Peter said shortly, sizing them up. He dropped his backpack on the floor and moved to Tony's side and folded his arms in front of his chest. "And why are they here?" Peter asked. "Ross-" Steve started. Peter held up a finger to silence him. "I didn't ask you." He said. "Accords have been fixed. Ross said they had to be under 'surveillance'." Tony said, air quotes around surveillance. "Which we don't." Steve said under his breath.

Peter took two steps, and slammed Steve into the wall. "Yes. You do. You remember that cave?" Peter said, eyes on fire. "Steve nodded, looking nervous. "Good." Peter said and slowly unclenched his hands from Cap's shirt.

"What cave?" Clint asked. Peter glared at the captain. "You didn't tell them? Well I guess I do then." Peter turning around. "Captain here, Barnes, and Tony were in a cave in Siberia. Tony found out what really happened to his parents. The Winter Soldier killed them. Btdubs, no one's mad at you Barnes. You were controlled. Your so called Captain Righteous slammed his shield into the only thing that powered Tony's suit, leaving him to die in the cold." Peter ranted. "After he tried to kill Bucky!" Steve protested. Peter sent him a glare. "After Barnes went for the Arc reactor." Peter said calmly.

"And Wanda, I do not like you in my head." Peter said. He turned and stared her in the eye. "Kindly stop that. Tony did not kill your parents. Weapons that he tried to stop did." Peter turned away from her, locking eyes with Sam. "Sam Wilson. Guy who just follows Cap everywhere and does what he does, just slower." Peter mocked. "Thank you for your military service. But, right now, you are pathetic." Peter turned to Tony. "I will be in my room." He looked around the room. "And I will be listening." 

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