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His feet pounded the forest floor, running. Running. It didn't matter that he didn't know where he was, all that mattered was getting as far away from them as possible. Peter just knew he had to get out of there. They'd been hitting him for what felt like weeks. He hasn't seen the outside world in what felt like weeks. The sun was setting, giving Peter an orangey light to see by. He knew he was lost. He didn't know what state he was in, if he was even in America, he had no shoes, he had no money. All he could do was continue to walk, and hope he could find some help somewhere.

Tony Stark has been looking for Peter for a week. He had disappeared on patrol, and Tony hadn't been able to find him yet. "Boss, there's been a sighting of a brown haired boy, beaten and shoeless, in Wisconsin. There is a possibility of it being Peter." Tony's head shot up. "Get me a suit and a jet. I'll take the suit, bring the jet so he can ride it back." "Yes boss." Friday said. Tony hopped into the suit and took off.

Peter heard the unmistakable sound of an Iron Man suit long before he saw it. "Mr. Stark?" Peter said shakily when he stepped out of the suit. "Hi kid." Mr. Stark said, wrapping his arms around him. "I- I don't know what happened, one minute I walking home from school, the next I was waking up in a basement." Tony hugged him tighter. "Hey hey, it's okay. You're gonna be okay." "And-and then I got out, but I don't know where I am, or anything. Mr. Stark I'm scared." Peter whimpered. "You're in Wisconsin. Your name is Peter Parker. You were missing for a week. But I'm here now, you're safe."

That wasn't very whumpy I'm sorryyyyyyy

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