Deaf Peter

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Just a little filler chapter!

Peter Parker has been deaf since the age of five, when his parents died. The spider bite brought a little hearing back, so he has hearing aides. None of the team know, and Peter is afraid to tell them. He doesn't want them to kick him out, as May's dead, he has nowhere else to go. They didn't kick out Clint, but he's a lot older than Peter. Karen knows, so she switches when she sees he doesn't have his hearing aids on.

They had been on a mission, when Peter had gotten knocked back by an explosion. And it had wrecked his hearing aids. Karen noticed, and hacked into the coms so he could read them. Shoot, Peter thought. The coms: Clint: Hey, Spidey, I'm stuck here, can you come grab me? Nevermind, I'll just jump off this dang building. Natasha: Spider, I could use a little help? Nevermind, Tony's got it. Peter swore.

When the Avengers heard a voice that had been absent for several minutes, they did not expect it to be a string of curses. "Karen, I told you so many times!! This can. Not. happen!!! I programed you so that my hearing aids would never, ever go out!!!!" More curses were followed. "How am I supposed to get back and fix them?! I can't hear the team, how will I know when they're heading back?!!! I was not prepared for this!!!" Peter was shouting, talking much louder than he usually does.

The team looked at each other. "I didn't know." Tony said softly. "No one did." Steve said. "Friday, get me whatever I need to make him a pair of hearing aids. Now." "Already on their way sir." "Good." A few seconds later, a drone came with materials, along with instructions.

He made them quickly, then turned to Clint. "Go get baby genius." Clint nodded and ran off.

Peter whirled around to see Clint standing there, talking a mile a minute, too fast even for his trained eyes to read. Clint held out his hand, beckoning him. Peter followed.

When they got to the team, Tony held them out to him. Peter looked at him, confused, then looked them. His face went from one of confusion to one of horror.

He cursed again. "Take them." Tony said. Peter sighed. He reached up, took off the dead ones, and threw them away.

He slipped the new ones in, then turned them on. "Thanks." He said quietly. "Why didn't you tell us Pete?" Steve asked. "I didn't want you guys to kick me off the team or something." Peter said quietly. "I didn't want to be seen as weak." "You are not weak Peter. You are far, far from it. You've been through more than most people go through in a lifetime, and your 17. You are not weak." Tony said.

"You are stronger than all of us." Steve said. "Really?" Peter said quietly. "Really." Steve said.



(BTW, I'm still working on two big chapters!!)  

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