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You woke up around 10am. Your dad left for work so you didn't have him around. Noen was still asleep and he was laying his head on your chest with his arms around your waist. You grabbed your phone and FaceTimed Anika.
Anika: heyyyyyy
Y/n: hey
Anika: what are you doing today?
Y/n: I don't know yet.
Anika: Do you wanna come to the beach with me or something like that?
Y/n: me and noen went to the beach yesterday. Is there anything else you wanna do.
Anika: WAIT YOU AND NOEN!!! Oh my god you two are totally dating. That's why he's sleeping on you isn't it.
Y/n: shut up.
Anika: OH MY GODDDDD!! Ok ok well I'll just meet you somewhere and we can figure out what to do.
Y/n: ok I'll talk to you later.
Anika: bye
You hung up and set your phone down. You escaped noens grip and moved your face down to his. You kissed him until he woke up and kissed you back.
Y/n: good morning
Noen: hey.
He kissed you and then stretched.
Noen: what time is it?
Y/n: like almost 11
Noen: oh. Do you want me to go home?
Y/n: do you wanna stay for a few hours until me and Anika meet up? My dad isn't home so we could do something downstairs.
Noen: yeah I'll stay. Mainly because I don't want to go home.
Y/n: well I need to get a shower and get ready first so if you want to go downstairs and get something to eat or just chill.
You went into the bathroom and started the shower.

-Noens povWhile she was in the shower I still saw the same box she told me not to open

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Noens pov
While she was in the shower I still saw the same box she told me not to open. I brought it over to the bed and opened one of the glass containers. The first one had 4 little blades in it. I set it down on the bed and kept opening them. Once I was done there were at least 60 different blades. She came out the bathroom and didn't notice at first.
Y/n: Did you see where-
She looked at me like a deer in headlights.
Noen: why are these here?
It made me angry that she would do this to herself but it also made me sad.
Y/n: noen it's not what it looks like. She walked over and tried to put them away but I stood up and grabbed her wrists.
I began to tighten my grip on her wrists without even realizing.
Y/n: stop you're-
She tried to pull her arms back as tears formed in her eyes.
My grip was so tight she started to cry. I let go and looked at her wrists. You could see bruses where my hands had been. She backed away and looked at me.
Y/n: You said you wouldn't hurt me
She choked on her words when she spoke.
Noen: I-I'm sorry
Y/n: you said you wouldn't be like him
Noen: him who y/n?
I could tell asking that question made more tears come from her eyes. I took a hesitant step towards her and she took one back.
Noen: I'm gonna go.
End of POV
You kept thinking about if you should tell him before he left but you second guessed yourself. You're phone vibrated and you checked it.
Anika🧚‍♀️✨: Milo wanted to come with us so if you wanna bring noen he can come too but if you wanna start heading out now we were going to go down to the mall by the beach
Y/n: NOEN!
He walked back up the stairs and looked at you.
Y/n: Anika said you can come if you want.
Noen: do you want me to?
Y/n: I asked if you wanted to.
Noen: then sure.
Y/n: well she said to meet up at the mall by the beach.
Noen: then let's go.
Y/n: let me get my wallet
Noen: ok
You ran upstairs and grabbed your wallet then went back down.
Noen: ready?
You nodded and you guys went out to his car. He drove off and you started to play with your wrists. You guys got there about half an hour later and he parked the car. He looked at you and you didn't even notice.
Noen: I'm really sorry. I'll say it a million times until they are gone.
Y/n: it's fine. It's not like it's the first time it's happened.
Noen: what?! What do you mean?!
Y/n: never mind let's go find everybody.
You got out and so did noen. You saw Anika walking towards you so you waited there.
Anika: hey guys!
Y/n and noen: hey
Milo: what happened to your wrists?
He pointed towards them.
Noen: I g-
Y/n: I dropped a necklace down the drain and my one hand got stuck and I tried to use the other to get it out.
Milo: are you sure?
Y/n: positive
You smiled and you guys started walking up to the mall. You and noen stayed in the back. He saw you hesitate to grab his hand so he grabbed yours. You twitched when he did so he let go not knowing it was the Tourettes.
Noen: sorry
Y/n: no it's not that.
You grabbed his hand again and he intertwined your fingers. You guys got in the mall and you saw the Disney store.
Y/n: ohh my god can we go in the Disney store it looks so coolllll!!!?!?
Anika: you've never been in one?
Y/n: no! Let's go!
Noen laughed and you smiled.
Anika: what's your favorite?
Y/n: oh my god I like so many different ones. Don't even get me started.
You twitched and Milo and anika looked at you.
Milo: what was that?
Y/n: the doctor thinks I have Tourette so um...yeah. Let's go!
You let go of noens hand and walked into the Disney store. The followed and you looked at them.
Y/n: this is so coolllll!!!
You walked around the whole store and looked at things. You didn't get anything because everybody convinced you not to.
Anika: I'm gonna go in holister do you guys wanna come?
Y/n: I'm gonna go to the art store across and then the book store a little ways down.
Milo: I'll go
Noen: I'm gonna go with y/n
Anika: you guys hang out 24/7 I don't get how you aren't tired of each other.
Noen: because we aren't that's that.
Noen kissed you and it scared you at first because you didn't know what he was gonna do. You and noen walked into the art store and you looked around. You got a lot of things.
-3 watercolor pads
-one set of 50 brushes
-polyurethane (you use this to set acrylic on things like rocks or dressers)
-and paint thinner
You only had two bags for all of it and it was $105
Noen: do you want me to carry one?
Y/n: sure
You handed him a bag and you guys walked down to the book store. Noen looked around too and you guys got 7 books total.
Noen: we should probably stop
You guys laughed and went to look for Anika and Milo.
Noen: when we get back home I wanna talk to you.
Y/n: oh ok.
You found Anika and noen and you guys got some dinner at an Olive Garden (I know they didn't have lunch)
Anika: after this are you two going home?
Noen: yeah are you guys?
Milo: maybe
You put your head on noens shoulder and he wrapped his arm around you. You wound up falling asleep until noen woke you up when the food got there.
Milo: are you tired?
Y/n: kinda...
You guys at your food and then you and noen went home. You guys stayed in the car and talked for a minute.
Y/n: what did you wanna talk to me about?
Noen: this.
He gently grabbed your wrists and you jumped when he touched you.
Noen: you're scared of me now because I did this.
Y/n: what no I'm not.
Noen: y/n when I touched you you jumped.
Y/n: well why did you do it.
Noen: it just made me angry you would do that to yourself. What in the world could possibly make you do that. You're beautiful and talented and just amazing. Anybody would be lucky to meet you.
Y/n: it's not that simple. A lot of things happened and are happening.
Noen: when was the last time you used them?
Y/n: the day before we moved and I met you. I just felt happy being around you. You were so different from anybody I've ever met before.
Noen: I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I don't ever want to hurt you again.
Y/n: I belive you won't.
Noen: we should head inside.
You guys got out of the car and he hugged you. You kissed him. And walked up to your room. You put your pajamas on and got ready for bed. You layed down and fell asleep.

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