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You woke up the next day and didn't go to school for Friday. You got ready and wore this.

You asked Anika to grab your stuff from you locker

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You asked Anika to grab your stuff from you locker. Chase convinced you online school was a better option. You called him to come over and he went up to your room. You guys spent your time up to lunch signing you up to a good one.
Y/n: oh my god fine. I want chick fil a
Chase: ooo yes!
You grabbed your wallet and you guys went outside. There was one in town so you two walked there. You walked in and saw Payton. You instantly turned around and walked back out.
Chase: Wait!
He walked out and towards you. You sat at an outside table and put your hands on your forehead. You were noticeably shaking when chase came over.
Chase: hey...
He placed his hands on yours to try and help.
Chase: what is wrong?
Y/n: um I-I walked in there and um...um I saw-
Payton: Chaseeeee!
You saw chase look up then back at you.
Chase: payton I thought you were going to jail or something?
Payton: my mom paid the bail
You could feel yourself turning white as a ghost. Payton looked at you and winked.
Chase: Payton can we do this another time?
Payton: sure I'll call you.
He walked away and you guys watched until you saw him get in a car and he driven away. Chase hugged you and you hugged him back.
Chase: let's just go home and get some delivery.
You nodded and you guys walked back. When you got back noen was washing his car. You kept catching yourself looking over.
Chase: um I guess we could order a whole bunch of chicken nuggets or something.
Y/n: yeah that's fine.
You looked over at noen and chase laughed at you.
Chase: you're stupid.
He brushed his hand over the back of your head. You looked back and chase and felt your cheeks get red.
Chase: go put something on and help him
Y/n: you're not funny
Chase: I wasn't trying to be.
You smacked his forehead and went inside. You heard noen call your name and you heard chase laugh. You went over to him and looked at him.
Noen: do you wanna help
He laughed and you attacked him. You jumped on his back and wrapped your arm around his throat.
Noen: you won't do it
Y/n: bet
You tighter your grip around him and he started to cough. You laughed and let go. You slid off his back and he shot you with the water.
Noen: well I guess you better go change then.
Y/n: I hate both of you.
You walked away and over to your door. You went inside and up to your room. You picked out a bathing suit and put it on. You put your shirt back on over top and went outside. You walked over and noen laughed.
Noen: I knew you would do it.
Y/n: I know you would make me do it otherwise.
You grabbed the hose from him and started to wash off some of the soap. When noen was turned around you shot him with the water.
Noen: NOT FAIR!!!
He ran over to you but you got him with the hose again. He grabbed your hands so you couldn't turn them and went behind you. He put his arms around you and tried to get your face with the water. Instead you moved it so it got him. You kept laughing at him because he was shaking his head like a wet dog.
Y/n: you look like a wet dog
Noen: you smell like one
Y/n: I meAn I'm sure I could get a dog to show you what it smells like.
Noen: little girl!
Y/n: I'm not little I go up to a little under your shoulder
Noen: little
He pinched his fingers together and you shook your head. You saw Anika and Milo walking toward you guys. You put the hose down and walked over to them.
Anika: why are you all wet?
Y/n: noen did it.
Milo: that's what she said.
Y/n: I guess milo wants a hug?
You walked towards Milo and he backed up.
Y/n: that's what I thought.
Anika: well do you know where chase is? We are going to the mall.
Y/n: somewhere in my house. Just go in and get him.
You walked back over to noen just as they walked out of your house. You waved them off and continued to help noen. You guys didn't get to getting the rest of the soap off until around 8pm because you kept playing around. When you were getting the soap off the back of the car noen came over.
Y/n: I'm getting cold I might go change in a minute.
Noen: but I'm having fun...
He put his arms around you and you blushed. You could feel the warmth of his body traveling all around yours. You turned around and kissed him. He kissed you back and placed his hands on your upper thighs. They slowly slid up your shirt.
You heard footsteps and then they stopped. You two jerked away from each other.
Anika: wasn't that a cute picture
Y/n and noen: WHAT!!!
You two ran over and noen snatched her phone. She started laughing and you looked at her.
Y/n: I hate you you dumb bitch
Noen: that's a bad word! EXCUSE YOU!!
He pushed you and you grabbed his arm to hold yourself up.
Noen: Um OWW!!
Y/n: you don't push me
Noen: bet
He tried to push you again but missed.
Y/n: HA HA! Missed me missed me now you gotta kiss me!
Anika looked at noen as he pulled you to him. Your lips touched and you were tempted to kiss back but pushed him away.
Y/n: I wasn't serious
Noen: but you were earlier
He laughed and you shook your head.
Y/n: how come you aren't at the mall?
Anika: do you have the Chick-fil-A coupons still?
Y/n: they are somewhere on my counter just go look.
She nodded and walked away.
Noen: do you wanna go get cleaned up and I can make some food?
Y/n: Sure. Maybe we can go to the park or something a little later.
You guys walked to your houses and changed. When you were done you walked back over to noens. He had started to make some stir fry.
Y/n: want some help?
Noen: I got it. If you want you can go upstairs and watch like a movie or something and I'll bring it up.
Y/n: oh ok.
You went up to his room and put in a movie. You layed on the bed and about fifteen minutes later noen came up. He sat on the bed and handed you a plate. You guys ate and watched the movie. When you guys were done noen took the plates downstairs. You grabbed a blanket and layed down. Before noen came back upstairs you had fell asleep.

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