NotebookThe notebook will be for your book of shadows. It can be a regular spiral notebook, composition notebook, a sketchbook, whatever you want it to be. It can even be on the notes app on your phone. The book of shadows is used to record things you learn while on your journey of being a witch. You can put anything inside that you want. It is completely your choice.
Candles are great item to start with. Candles can be used for any and every spell you choose. You can get any color you want, any size you want. Some prefer using certain candle colors for certain spells, some don't. If your unsure what color to use for a spell, try white. White is a neutral color so it works as a great substitute for any candle.
Herbs and incense
Herbs and incense are also a good tool to start with. There are so many herbs that have different properties so you can use a herb for a spell, and the same with incense.
Witchy apps
Witchy apps are great not just for beginners in witchcraft. They have so many apps that you can use in your craft. Anywhere from tarot to herb guides to moon phases.
Jars and sachets
Jars and sachets work great for holding ingredients, doing spells, whatever you want. You can use them for a spell or to even hold ingredients, like herbs. If you can get any jars or sachets, try envelopes for herbs. They work just as great and can easily be hidden away.
Crystals can help boost the intention of your spell a lot. There are so many crystals that can help for practically any spell you do. If you can't find a crystal for a spell or don't know what crystal to use, clear quartz is a great substitute for any crystal.

Beginner's Guide To Witchcraft
RandomWelcome Beginner Witches ✨ This book is all about starting off with witchcraft. It's a guide designed to help you on your path. If your starting to get interested in witchcraft, this is the place to start. Note: You don't need to read this book if...