• carrying an amulet for always catching your bus on time• embroidering a protective sigil onto your favorite jacket
• carrying a few extra coins in your pocket for offerings
• protection sigils for your community
• anti gentrification sigils around your neighborhood
• releasing bay leaves with wishes written on them while driving around
• carrying pepper spray with protection charms/sigils
• playing a special song to activate protective wards while your out and about
• grimoire in your notes app and tarot app on your phone
• using your phone in sleep mode to scary when the screen is black (if a black mirror isn't an option)

Beginner's Guide To Witchcraft
RandomWelcome Beginner Witches ✨ This book is all about starting off with witchcraft. It's a guide designed to help you on your path. If your starting to get interested in witchcraft, this is the place to start. Note: You don't need to read this book if...