Common questions

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What are some tips for closeted witches?

• Don't practice while others are in the house.
• Keep a hidden altar.
• Say your want crystals as decorations.
• Meditate before your sleep.
• Get a planner to plan witchy stuff, like moon phases and sabbats.
• Don't stress yourself out with practicing.
• Your still a witch if you don't practice for a month.

How do I get witch friends?

• Witches Amino app.
• Look around your area.
• Tumblr.

What's a pendulum?

An object hanging from a cord or chain used in divination.

What are some ways to practice for beginner witches?

• Cleansing.
• Meditation.
• Spell casting.

How do I find a deity to work with?

Research different deities and you'll find one your like or resonate with.

What is black and white magick?

In my opinion, there is no black and white magick. It is the witch who makes it 'good' or 'bad'.

Why practice witchcraft?

That's for you to decide. If you enjoy practicing, practice. If you don't, don't. I practice because it makes me happy and makes my life better. Practicing witchcraft is for you and only you to decide if you want to do.

Can you use any object in witchcraft?

Yes you can use any object in witchcraft.

How do I become a witch?

Start studying and/or start practicing. If you call yourself a witch, your a witch.

Is witchcraft evil?

Its the witch that makes it 'good' or 'bad' not the craft.

What are some tips for practicing my first spell?

Your first spell doesn't have to be overly complicated.

How can you maintain being a witch and keeping relationships?

In my opinion, if someone has a problem with you being a witch then they shouldn't be in your life. Be yourself. Don't change to make someone else happy.

What are some resources to use?

Occult shops.
Witches Amino.

How can I connect to witchcraft and connect with my roots ethnically?

Do research and tie your cultural background into the craft.

How do I know what type of witch I am?

Think about yourself. Find what type you resonate with. Think about what you enjoy doing.

When can you call yourself a witch?

You can call yourself a witch whenever you want.

Can your earn an income by doing witchy things?

Yes. There are many different ways like tarot readings, open an online shop, become a meditation teacher, etc.

How do you get out of a witchy slump or burn out?

Don't force yourself to practice. Practice small daily stuff like lighting a candle or meditating if you want to. Give yourself a break when your 'burned out'.

How do I practice my craft in an area where it's difficult to practice?

Use what you can. It's hard to practice witchcraft in a place where it seems impossible but it isn't. Use the tools around you and make it possible. Use the tools you like to practice with and incorporate them into your craft. Try to make it possible.

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