• Try to write in it everyday, if you can't write in your BOS/grimoire that's ok• You can put whatever you want in it
• You don't have to use this perfect notebook
• Your grimoire/BOS can be a story book and the pages can be painted over
• To save pages you can put envelopes on one page for a topic ex: tarot spreads
• To form a connection you can sleep with it near you
• Your BOS/grimoire is all you
• There is no one way you have to do it
• If you don't have a notebook/sketchbook you can use a book ex: story book or animal picture book
• It doesn't have to be perfect
• Notebooks are cheap at the dollar store and target and Walmart
• For visual learners add pictures and drawings to your BOS/grimoire
• A binder can be used so you can move pages around
• There are BOS/grimoire pages online you can print out and put in your BOS/grimoire
• YouTube has BOS/grimoire tours and flip throughs so you can get ideas for your BOS/grimoire
• Amazon has notebooks also
• You can add charms and feathers and designs to your BOS/grimoire
• Glue in paper that can fold out of your BOS/grimoire to create more space

Beginner's Guide To Witchcraft
RandomWelcome Beginner Witches ✨ This book is all about starting off with witchcraft. It's a guide designed to help you on your path. If your starting to get interested in witchcraft, this is the place to start. Note: You don't need to read this book if...