• Repurpose an old lightbulb to create a witch ball, or a hanging charm. Put herbs, crystals, etc inside.• Pick up the very first acorn you find in autumn and carry it around in your purse or pocket all through fall and winter to protect you from negativity and draw prosperity and good luck to you through all the dark months. Then come spring, return it as a thank you for all its assistance.
• Save your orange peels. Wash them and then and dry them for about a week. Put them in a jar. They make great ingredients for healing and prosperity spells. You can even use them in potpourri and tea if you want.
• Embroider your favorite jean jacket with sigils.
• Use the notes app on your phone as a BOS /grimoire.
• Carry around pepper spray with protection charms and sigils on it.
• Use your phone as a scrying mirror when it is in sleep mode if you don't have access to a black mirror.

Beginner's Guide To Witchcraft
RandomWelcome Beginner Witches ✨ This book is all about starting off with witchcraft. It's a guide designed to help you on your path. If your starting to get interested in witchcraft, this is the place to start. Note: You don't need to read this book if...