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Sooo I decided to be super quick and upload like 4 at a time! Dedicated to the people who read this!

"What are you so fed up about? Now she won't get in the way of us!" Becky tried to calm down the furious Levi.

"If you say one more fucking word I will slice your neck like a titans and then feed you to one after I light you on fire." Levi threatend.

She was completely silent. Then the door opened revealing a pissed of Hanji.

"Dammit midget! What did you do to make Petra mad at me? When I tried to talk to her she just turned away and Eren asked me to leave!"

"Where is she?" Levi quickly turned to look at Hanji.

"Refilling the gas tanks with Eren, at least that's where I saw her before I was told to go away." As soon as Hanji said this, Levi was gone.

"What is with him? Why won't he just fucking forget about that Bella girl and be with me?!" Becky whined.

"Okay, you weren't even close with her name..." Hanji shook her head at her stupidity. "And it's because he loves her!"


"Shhh... Petra-san, it's okay..." Eren tried to soothe the crying girl.

"I just wanna know why he did that to me! Why would he do this?" Petra sobbed louder.

Levi entered the tent where Petra and Eren were and was hit with jealousy...

And guilt...

Seeing the love of his life crying before him... And it was because of him. No words could explain how guilty he felt. He knew she would never forgive him, and to be honest, he couldn't forgive himself.

He left. He couldn't bear to watch her cry, and have her comforted by someone else,

He though the had slipped out unnoticed, because of him. but Eren had seen him, and he had the sudden urge to yell at him. But he couldn't, he had seen the look on Levi's face. Eren knew that Levi was guilty. So he stayed with Petra, comforting her as she cried.

"Hey... It's gonna be alright... It's all gonna be okay..."

"But what if it's not? How can I ever look at him again without breaking down?" Petra looked at him with her blurry and puffy eyes.

"Come on, stop crying." Eren asked gently.

"But I can't! Things will never be the same!"

"You'll be alright..." Eren reasurred her.

She didn't answer, just pressed her head to his chest and continued to cry.


"And you just walked away?" Hanji asked, ready to punch Levi in the face.


"Ugh why? Why didn't you go up to her and well, I dont know, maybe... EXPLAIN THE FUCKING SITUATION TO HER!" Hanji yelled.

"It's because he wanted to keep our love strong!" Becky said.

"You need to shut your fucking whore mouth before I shove my blade up your ass." Hanji threatened.

Becky shut her damn mouth.

"Get your asses out here! Titans approaching!" They heard Erwin yell from outside.

"We'll talk about this later." Hanji told Levi as she left to get her gear.

"Fuck. Let's go Brittney." Levi gestured for her to follow as he exited the tent.

"My name is Becky!"

"Now you know what it feels like..."


"Keep going!"

"I am!"

"Watch out!"


They all had seperated into little groups.

Group A: Levi, Becky, Eren, Erwin, Petra

Group B: Hanji, Erd, Gunther, Oluo

(With Group A)

"Levi, Eren! Get the two on the right, Petra and I will get the two on the left." Erwin commanded.

The soldiers did as they were told. Petra was relieved that she didn't have to fight beside Levi. Levi. How would she ever face him? How would she be able to work under his command as a soldier? Her feelings would get in the way. Petra was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn't see a titan coming her way.

"Petra look out!"

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