❤️ Short but Sweet ❤️

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There was a huge mess of cookie dough everywhere. And Eren was tickling Petra as she tried to throw cookie dough at his face. He became extremely jealous and cleared his throat to get their attention. As he did, they turned their heads and their eyes went wide. They immediately jumped up into a standing position. But Petra slipped on a chunk of cookie dough, she closed her eyes preparing for impact. She felt herself crash into a person, she hesitantly opened her eyes to see that her lips were on his... Eren's...

Petra quickly got up and started ranting about it was an accident and how sorry she was. While Levi just watched this play out, now completely and utterly jealous of Eren.

"Ahem!" Levi got their attention. "Clean this up. Now." And he exited the room.

"Oh my God... Eren I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that! It was an accident I swear! I just slipped on some cookie dough and before I knew it i fell-" Petra's eyes widened in shock.

Eren just kissed her...






"EREN JUST KISSED ME!" She mentally screamed. She didn't know how to react, but it felt so right... So she slowly closed her eyes.

"Oh my fucking God!!!! Levi is going to flip shit!" Petra pushed Eren away quickly and turned to Hanji.

"What are you doing here?!" Petra put her fingers to her lips, where Eren's had previously resided. "Wait, what just happened?!"

Hanji cupped her hands around her mouth, prepared to yell. "Le-!"

"No! Shut up!" Petra shoved a clump of cookie dough in Hanji's mouth.


"Who the fuck does that fucking brat think he is? Why the fuck were they making cookies? Who just randomly makes some fucking cookies? And if you're going to make them, make them! Don't waste the fucking ingredients in a little dough fight." Levi stomped to his office.

"No! Shut up!" He heard a faint voice say just as he was about to enter his office. Curiosity got the best of him and he ventured back to the kitchen, where the voice had come from.

Levi entered the kitchen to a tomato red Petra, Hanji eating cookie dough, and Eren just standing there with his hands lightly touching his lips.

"What happened? I heard someone yell." Levi asked, and as he did, Petra's face became even darker.

Hanji swallowed the cookie dough. "Oh nothing, I just interrupted their little make out session."

"What?" Levi said through gritted teeth.

"Haha! Yeah! It was absolutely adorable! And he's so tall compared to her so that made it even cuter!" Hanji fangirled.

"Oh Levi~" Becky skipped into the kitchen. "Come on, we have stuff to do~" She whispered loudly in a seductive tone.

"Yeah, Levi... Don't you have stuff to do?" Petra asked, the pain she felt showed on her face. "Come on, Eren." Petra grabbed Eren's wrist and dragged him out of the room.

Hanji watched her as she walked away. Then looked to Levi. "Oh shit... Shit just got real, didn't it?"

"It's been real... Now it's time to end this."

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