This. Is. WAR.

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So... I hope you guys like the next parts! I'm not gonna be blabbering here in bold anymore so enjoyy!!


He saw the titan going for her. He shot his gear and called out to her.

"Petra look out!"

He tried to go as fast as possible to her, and just prayed that he'd make it.


"Come on, please be alive..." He begged the girl whose life he just saved. His only concern was that the fall had hurt her, even though he had fallen first, breaking her fall. And possibly a few of his bones.

"Hmmm..." Petra's eyes fluttered open, her vision blurry at first but then clearing up. "I'm not dead?"

"You're alive!" He hugged Petra. Her eyes widened for a second before she closed her eyes, smiled, and nodded.

"Yeah, I am... Thank you Eren..."

"No problem! I'm just so glad your alive..." Eren still didn't let her go.

"Hey lover boy! Get up and let's get out of here!" Erd made fun of Eren, but Eren didn't mind it.

"Come on, Eren. We have to get back to the expedition." Petra told him and he finally let go.

Levi had seen this whole scene play out and he was jealous... And once again guilty... Why wasn't he the one to save her?


And of course, the expedition was a failure... 16 casualties were reported. They all headed back to the HQ, and it went on like any normal day.

Knock, knock.

"What the fuck do you want?" Levi looked up from his paperwork.

The door swung open, and standing in the doorway was none other than...







"What the fuck do you want shitty glasses?" Levi looked back down at his paperwork and continued to sign things.

"Well, I finally got Becky under control. So you'll have about 3 more minutes tops. I don't think those bars will hold her much longer." Hanji told him, referring to the dungeon.

"Crazy bitch..." Levi muttered.

"I know... Who knew she was this crazy?"

"This is your fucking fault."

"Yeah... I know. But you have to get yourself outta this one! Later shorty!" Hanji exited the room, not shutting the door behind her.

"Fuck." Levi got up and walked over to close the door, and right as it was about to shut, it was pushed back open.

"Hey baby. Miss me?"


"Hey, Eren?" Petra asked the boy.


"You wanna help me make cookies?"

"Sure!" Eren stood up, and followed her to the kitchen.

So the Petra got a mixing bowl out.

"Okay. So I need 2 and 1/4 cups of flour. 3/4 cup sugar, 1 cup of butter, a teaspoon of vanilla, 1/2 a cup of oil, 1 cup of chocolate chips, and 1 teaspoon of baking soda." Eren grabbed what she had said she needed and put it into the bowl. "And we mix it."

Petra begun to mix it, and then looked at Eren. "Do you wanna try?" She asked.

"Sure!" Eren took the spoon and started to mix it violently, cookie dough going everywhere.

"Stop!" Petra laughed, shielding herself from anymore flying cookie dough.

"What?" Eren asked.

"You need to be more gentle!" Petra grabbed the spoon. "Like this." She stirred the dough slowly.

"Fine I get it." Eren took the spoon back. "You have some cookie dough on your face."

"Huh? Where?" Petra asked, feeling her face for said dough.

"Right..." He pressed the spoon to her nose, leaving dough on it. "There." He couldn't help but laugh.

"Give me that!" Petra reached for the spoon, but Eren, held it above his head, using their height difference to his advantage.

"If you want it, you just have to grab it!" Eren laughed as the short girl jumped for the spoon.

"That's no fair!" Petra crossed her arms.

"What's not fair?" Eren grinned.

"Give me the spoon!" She went back to trying to grab it by jumping.

"It's not my fault you're short."

"Ugh." Petra stopped jumping, then suddenly a smirk appeared on her face. She reached in the mixing bowl and grabbed a handful of dough, throwing it in Eren's face. "Haha! Take that!"

"Oh you're on!" Eren put the spoon down and grabbed a handful of dough as well.

"No! Don't get it in my hair!" Petra laughed as she ran around the kitchen trying to avoid him. This went on for a while until Eren finally caught up to her, smacking the cookie dough gently on her face.

They both laughed at how stupid the other person looked with a bunch of dough on their faces.

"You have a chocolate chip in your nose." Eren managed to say through laughs.

"So do you!"

And the two continued to laugh and laugh. Until Petra grabbed another large handful of cookie dough, shoving it in Eren's face. His entire face was covered.



"What do you want?"

"Nothing! Is it so wrong for soulmates to see each other?" Becky asked.

"No, but that doesn't relate to your being here." Levi started to walk back to his desk, but was stopped when Becky grabbed his wrist and slammed him against a wall, pressing her lips sloppily upon his. He pushed her off.

"Baby! Why did you stop me? This is what soulmates do!"

"Which is why I'm not doing it with you." Levi walked out of the room.

"Dammit! That stupid Penny!"


Levi walked down to go get himself some coffee. After that whole situation with Becky, he needed some. He entered the kitchen and was shocked at what he saw.

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