B*itch Slap

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"And he just kicked you?" Petra asked as she washed the blood off of Eren's face.

"Yeah..." Eren rubbed his hand over his stomach, he could still feel the pain of Levi's boot hitting him.

"He can't just keep doing this! I'm going to go talk to him right now! He needs to know that he can't just use you as a punching bag, you're human too!" Petra got up and exited the room, walking down the hallway to Levi's room. She stopped when she saw Becky start to enter Levi's room. As soon as Becky entered, Petra jogged quietly over to his room put her ear to the door, trying to listen in on the conversation.

"Oh Leeeevi~" Becky sang.

"Really? Aren't you busy with Hanji?" Levi asked.

"No! I already finished Hailey's hair and makeup, silly!" Becky bopped his nose with her index finger.

"I just said her fucking name and you still can't get it right? Dumbass." As soon as he said the final word, Becky grabbed his collar and pulled him closer to her, their faces only a couple inches apart.

"Listen here, sweetie. You don't know what I'm capable of! I can kill a person in a matter of seconds and hide the body without a trace indicating that I was the killer. So don't think I have a problem killing everyone you care about." Becky threatened.

Petra gasped quietly. Becky seemed so nice when they had talked. This was a whole different side of her. The real side.

"I don't doubt it, but you'd have to get through me first." Levi stated.

"Okay, we can play that game. How 'bout you pick a number 1-10, each person is someone you care about, choose wisely." Becky smiled evilly.

"Fuck off. Just get a life." 

"What? Was that a seven? I think that was a seven!" Becky smirked. "Oh well this will be fun! I get to kill the one girl... What was her name again? Petra?"

"You lay a fucking finger on her and I'll stab my sword straight through your skull."

"Oh? Is the little baby angry?" Becky asked, with a child's tongue added to it. (Like pronouncing R's as W and L's as W, etc.)

Levi clenched his fist and looked down, eyes closed, he was about to punch her in the face. And as he moved his hand forward to punch her, he felt something stop his hand. He looked up and opened his eyes to see Petra, holding his hand away from Becky's face.

"Well, isn't this a turn of events? It seem-" Becky couldn't finish her sentence... 

Because Petra had backhanded her. 

"W-What?" Becky looked at Petra scared and started walking backwards, and Petra followed. 

"Listen here, sweetie. You don't know what I'M capable of."

Becky's back hit the door. "Get out." Petra growled. And Becky was running out as fast as she could.

Petra turned around. "Levi..." She ran over to him and hugged him, crying into his shirt. "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you! I should've just trusted you and knew that you weren't lying! I should've let you explain! I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions! I'm so sorry I didn't trust you!" 

"Shhh... I forgive you."

"You do?" Petra looked up at him.

"Of course I do. After what you did to her, I'm scared to be on your bad side."

Petra giggled. "Good." She pressed her head to his chest again. "Hey Levi?"

"I love you too..."

She back up a bit. "But I didn't even-"

"That's what you were going to say though, right?"

"Well yeah, but-"

"Then there. Case closed." He grabbed her and pulled her into a kiss. Not a sloppy Becky kiss. No, a kiss of two people who were absolutely in love with each other. Levi pulled away for a second.

"Oh, and one more thing..." Levi started.


"You looked incredibly hot when you slapped her."

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