Back Off, Jaeger

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"Becky I'm so glad to say this... I'm breaking up with you. Holy fuck that felt good to say." Levi felt the burden lifted off his shoulders.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Becky laughed an annoying laugh.

"What's so funny?" Hanji asked.

"He can't break up with me!"

"Well he just did so...?"

"No you don't understand! When he came down here, I copied his signature onto the marriage documents! So we're legally married! Isn't that great baby?" Becky hugged Levi, who was too shocked to move or push her off.

"Are you serious? You're crazy!" Hanji asked in disbelief.

"100 percent!" Becky laughed.

"What shit hole have you gotten me into Hanji?"


"Eren? What was that kiss back there?" Petra asked in a quiet voice.

"Well... I don't know... I just got the sudden urge to and I did... Sorry about that..." Eren apologized.

"It's fine, I was just a bit confused. That's all."

"Oh... So I think you should take a shower... I'm not saying that you stink or anything! Please don't take it the wrong way! You just have cookie dough in your hair."

"So do you... But yeah, it's getting dark out, we should probably clean the kitchen first though."

"Ugh! Do we have to?"

Petra laughed at his childish behavior. "Yeah, unless you want to be killed by Corporal."

"That's not the my preference."

"Then we have to do it tonight."

"Ugh!" Eren slouched over.

"Come on, it can't be that bad. Let's just get the mops and other cleaning things and quickly clean it!"

"Why can't Captain do it? He likes cleaning so much, so he can do it!"

"I don't think he wants to clean up our mess."



No reply.

"Hey! Levi!" Hanji called to him.

"What?" Levi asked through gritted teeth.

"Why are you cleaning the cookie dough mess? Didn't you ask Eren and Petra to do it?"

"I just need to clean to get my mind off the fucking pyscho on my back. Literally." And it was true, Becky was on his back, her legs wrapped around his abdomen and her arms hugging his neck gently as she pressed her head to his back with a cheerful smile on her face.

"Yeah... So, I still have a question for Becky..."

"What?" Becky asked, not loosening her grip.

"Can I help you pick out a dress?"

Becky's eyes lit up like a christmas tree. She hopped off of Levi and ran over to Hanji. "Of course you can, Hailey! We can be super best friends and do all sorts of awesome stuff together! You can also help me get the cake, and the flowers, and pick the venue! Oh my gosh! We are gonna be super besties so we can do each others nails and make up and hair! This will be so much fun!" Becky continued to ramble but Hanji payed no mind, she looked at Levi, who nodded a thank you.

"Hey! Let's start being super best friends right now and go do each others hair! Right now! Out of the kitchen! And at least 5 meters away from Levi!" Hanji played along with her.

"Yes! Come on! Let's go!" Becky dragged Hanji out of the room.

"I never thought I'd say this but..." Levi looked at the door where Hanji was previously standing. "Thanks four-eyes."

And Levi peacefully continued to clean the room, being completely away from Becky for the first time in what seemed like forever. Everything was going great until Eren came into the kitchen.

Levi glared at him. "Jaeger..."

"Haha... Uh... I- Never mind! I don't need anything to eat right now!" Eren tried to exit but was stopped by Levi grabbing his shirt.

"So brat... I have just one fucking question for you..."

"Y-yes sir?"

"Did you, or did you not, kiss Petra intentionally..."

"Not really! I didn't mean to! It wasn't intentional, I just did it!"

"But it's true that YOU kissed HER, right?" Levi tightened his grip on Eren's shirt.

"Y-yes! Please don't hurt me!" Eren shielded his face and shut his eyes tightly.

Levi put his hand in a fist but released it, along with his grip on Eren's shirt. Eren opened his eyes, a sense of security flowing through him. But it was short lived. Levi raised his foot and kicked Eren in the stomach, causing Eren to fall to the ground. Levi bent down and grabbed Eren by his hair, pulling his head up.

"Listen here Jaeger, you try and pull that shit one more fucking time and I will personally kill you." Levi yanked on his head. "Got it?"

"Y-Yes sir!"

"Now get out, and don't go flirting with her again."

"It wasn't flirting, sir."

"I don't give a flying fuck what it was. Don't talk to her, don't even look at her. You hear me?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Now get out, and take a fucking shower. You're disgusting." And Eren left as quick as humanly possible.

"Shitty brat... He's lucky he's alive right now..."

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