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      "HAROLD JENKINS," ALLISON SAYS WHILE THEY READ IT, "Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?"

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      "HAROLD JENKINS," ALLISON SAYS WHILE THEY READ IT, "Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?"

They all look up to Five for answer only to have him once again chugging the coffee until it's all gone which makes him throw it across the living room, "I don't know... yet but I do know that he's responsible for the apocalypse, so we have to find him and we have to do it now."

"How is he connected to what's gonna happen?" Luther questions as Valerie leans against Klaus who wraps an arm around her.

"I don't know."

"Wait, so you just know his name? That's it?"

Valerie rolls her eyes, "it's a lead, Diego, that matters the most right now."

"That's enough," Five agrees as he nods toward his sister.

"There's probably dozens of Harold Jenkinses in the city," Diego explains to his siblings.

"Well, we better start looking then," Five tells his siblings only for Allison to speak up.

"I'm sorry, am I the only one that's skeptical here? I mean, how exactly do you know all of this about what's his name?"

Five scrunches up his face in pain making Valerie worry for him, "Harold Jenkins," he snips, "you know those lunatics in masks who attacked the house?"

"Oh, yeah, I think I remember those guys," Klaus chimes in nonchalantly while Valerie wraps her arm around him in a side hug in the reminder of what happened to him, Klaus does the same.

Diego looks back at Klaus and Valerie before switching his gaze back toward Five, "yeah, the ones that attacked us while you were getting drunk."

"Yeah, them," Five looks between his siblings, "they were sent by the Temps Commission to stop me from coming back and preventing the end of life on earth."

"The Temps what?" Allison questions as she crosses her arms while Valerie pulls away from Klaus when he sits down.

Five rolls his eyes, "my former employer, they monitor all of time and space to make sure that whatever is suppose to happen... happens."

"Oh my god," Valerie gasps making her siblings look over at her, "that's like every sci-fi movie or book in history!" She chuckles in excitement, "they were right!"

The others ignore her and turn back to Five who sighs in annoyance because of his sister, "they believe the apocalypse is coming in three days, so I went to Commission headquarters and intercepted a message that was meant for said lunatics. Protect Harold Jenkins," his gaze moving from sibling to sibling in hopes they understand what he's talking about, "So he must be responsible for the apocalypse."

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