The Letter

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~~~EMMA'S POV~~~

As I walked down the driveway, I debated opening the letter from Devin. It was like picking petals off a daisy. "I'll open it, I'll open it not." But what if it's not the Devin I'm thinking about? What if it's some random Devin. My last name isn't the last name on the card. Neither is Molly's. (I call my mom Molly. That's what she wanted me to call her from a young age so I go along with it.)

So when I got to the part of the driveway that turned into our house, I ducked into the woods and sat down on a log a little ways into the forest.

The letter read:

Molly. How are you? How is Emma? I see she is attending Lionsdale High. She must be smart. Did she go to Wolfdale Middle? And Foxdale Elementry? Yes she did. How do I know this? I looked her up.

I also know you are now Molly Grace Anderson Learson. You didn't take out Grace. You did take out my last name though. Why? I was so good to you.

I looked up Wilson Earl Learson. He's... average. He's a doctor, so you must have a good home. Not one like we had, huh? A little apartment in New York. You were a pretty little thing. How old were you when we first met. 15? Yeah. You waited on me at that little resturant at the corner and I took you home. What fun.

Anyway, I figured I'd come see you. I want to see how you all are doing and if you've become more beautiful. Get Will out of the house for at least 24 hours from the time im gonna state, will ya? I wanna see you and Emma alone. How about... October 17 at 5:30pm at your house. I know where it is.

I look foreward to seeing you!

With much love,


I tore my eyes away from the letter in horror. Devin, my devil dad, was coming here.

Oh my God.

_-_-Vanessa's POV-_-_

I was waiting for my older sister to get me in the car loop when someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to see a short brown-haired boy smiling at me. "Louis!" I said. "Come on now! If that was supossed to scare me, you did a poor job."

Louis laughed. I love his laugh. "Well love, if that's what you think it was, you are sorely mistaken. I was flirting with you." I was taken aback by that one, so I played it of as a joke. "Really? Well, I'm so sorry, love, but I have a boyfriend." He gasped, also joking around then put his hand over his heart. "I am so so sorry." He said. "I didn't know." I flipped my long black hair and turned around. "Most people don't. He lives in the next county over." The I looked over my shoulder and smirked at him. "So he won't know if I have a boyfriend here."

Louis raised his eyebrows. "Oh really..." He said. Then he looked around, saw what he was looking for, and dropped to one knee. I pretended to be super suprised. Then he plucked a blade of grass from the small field beside us. I put my hand out. He tied the blade of grass around my ring finger as he said, "Vanessa, will you be my schoolfully dating girlfriend?"

I let out a dramatic sigh, then nodded. "Yes!" I practically shouted. Then he picked me up and swirled me around. My rainbows flew off and my sundress spiraled. "Louis! Put me down! Do you want me to flash all these single boys?" He set me down gently, my toes touchng the ground before my heels, then started to let me go.

But then his grip tightened. I looked up at him, puzzled. "But first, since we're 'dating'," He said, looking into my eyes, "This." Then he kissed me on the cheek. Little sparks came off all the places his lips touched my skin. He set me down.

He started to run over to a car that pulled up a moment later. "Bye Vee Vee!" He souted back to me. "Love you!" I blushed against my will. "Bye Lou Lou!" I yelled back, waving. Then he was gone.

Turns out, two cars down was my older sister. "Who was that? A new boyfriend?" She asked me.

"Nah, he's just a new kid in school who I became friends with. His personality is just really cheeky." I said. She nodded and we started home.

Someday, I hope I can say Louis isn't just some new kid in school who's a friend. I hope the scene we were joking about becomes true in a way.

It's gotta be you, Louis. Only you.



I have a question. Is this story moving too fast? I want the characters to fall for each other kind of quickly but I don't want them to go from 0 to 50,000 miles per hour. Do you know what I mean?

Um I kind of picture Vanessa's personality like Louis'. Like, always joking around and stuff. I also imagine her and Keegan being the most flirtatious and fashionable. But since they're in a group with Emma, Quinn, and Janie, some geeks, they're not as popular as they could be.



-Brook Olendale's coming to town.

-A first kiss in there somewhere (But who? The world may never know- until I update.)

-And there will be girl drama and boy drama and AHHHHHHHH

Now I must go finish my project. *sigh* I literally love writing Believe.


If you...

COMMENT- You get a hug

VOTE- You get a hug and a kiss

COMMENT AND VOTE- My mind will be BLOWN and you get a HUG a KISS and a PLUSHIE

You'll get it next chapter if you do it




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