First Impressions

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~~Niall's POV~~From earlier in the day~~

I was walking through the halls to band when I felt a very light tap on my shoulder. Emma had already gone into the room, and I didn't need to see her, and I could just say I was lost to my band teacher. So I turned around.

Behind me was a stunningly beautiful girl.

She had straight long golden hair that went to the small of her back. It would seem long on other girls, but it seemed just right on her. She was a little shorter thn me with stunning emerald eyes. "Hi." She said, blinking her long dark eyelashes. "I'm Toni." ''H-Hi." I said back. 

Suddenly, another girl walked up to us. She was loking at Toni.

She, too, was beautiful, but to me not as stunning as Tori. She had medium length shimmery brown hair that was put up in a side braid. And yes, it acually shimmered. "Toni! Come on! You were suposed to meet me and Sandra at the- hello. You're Niall, right?" "Yeah." I said, suprised she knew my name. "Tell Harry Brooke said hi." She said, then whipped her head around to face Toni. "Come on Toni, lets go." Toni gave me a small, shy smile then followed Brooke. My eyes followed them down the hallway.


**Zayn's POV**

After Science I went to Debate. I'm not really good in that subject, but i'm interested it it, so I put it down on my scedule preferences. I got it 'cause the guy i'm following around everywhere has that class.

The teacher was pretty cool. He shook my hand and told me to call him Rob, not Mr. Sanders. I sat down in a seat between a girl with dark hair and my guide. The girl glared daggers at him. Was she mad? I don't know. She never told me her name. She seemed kind of bad tempered. But she must be pretty good at Debate, because she got a 98 on a test they got back today. Everyone else got Bs or Cs, from the groans I heard whenever a kid looked at the paper in front of them.

Then Debate was over I was going out of the door when the dark haired girl pushed past me, making me drop the new textbook and binder I had gotten for the class. I was about to bend over and get them when a girls voice said,

"Here, let me get them."

A slender hand with red painted nails and long fingers picked up my textbook as I picked up my binder. She was wearing a red sundress that went up to her knees with her brown hair in a high, perfect ponytail. Red lipstick was painted perfectly on her lips. 

"Thanks." I said, staring at her. She smirked. "Don't stare." She said, then lifted her chin. "It's rude." I dropped my eyes to her Rainbows. "Sorry." I said.  A fingernail pinched into my chin as she raised it. "Don't be." She said. "It happens to everyone." She let go of my chin, smirked, and started down the hallway. 

"I'm Sandra, by the way!" She called back, without looking back at me. Farther up the hall, she met up with a girl with long blonde hair and a girl with a shimmery brown braid.

Then she looked back. She winked. Then she turned back around.

Who is that chick?



Sorry for the slow update. I've been SUPER stressed out this past week or so with school and my phone got taken away so expect slower updates over the next few weeks thanks!

Ok now that's out of the way...

I know it;'s short and I'M SORRY. It's a filler chapter okay and I wanted to introduce you to Toni and Sandra and give you a little taste of Brooke. The three queen bees! So... yeah.


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