Part 1: The rumor

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Class was getting ready to start as I sat in my new seat next to bakugo I saw as Kirishima quickly ran threw the door quickly followed by Ashido.

"We! Have! Tea!" Ashido loudly proclaimed with Kirishima standing next to her. "We've been doing some...umm snooping! And we found out a little secret!" She said loudly basically yelling I mean to be fair she's always yelling soo---

My thoughts were suddenly cut off by Bakugo's voice, "Just tell us what it is shit heads." He said in his normal low tone. I saw Ashido slump down a little but then perk back up when Kirishima began talking, "Apparently there is an omega in our class to!"

My eyes widened from shock as I scanned the room 'Who could it be?' I looked cautiously at everyone's reactions searching for who it was. My eyes flashed quickly around the room until I reached Bakugo who looked worried kinda....anxious? I could see beads of sweat forming on his head.

"Hey Bakugo are you o----" Mid sentence I was cut off by our "class representative", he stood up pushing his glasses up Ilda coughed gain the attention of the class, "And what proof do you have of these accusations?" He asked smartly.

Kirishima looked at the ground sheepishly, "Well we don't know if it's's just a rumor..." Ilda sighed and sat down again. "Gossip is bad especially when it's about someone in our class." The class went quiet as Ashido and Kirishima took they're seats next to Tysu and Kiminari.

After a slight moment of silence Mr.Aizawa walked in. With is usual sad depressing tone he told everyone to sit down.

The day went on as normal at the end of the day I saw Bakugo walking back to his dorm, I was still curious about why he looked so nervous today. Was he the omega....

'No way'. I quickly shook the thought from my head. I could see him quickly walking down the hall practically running. I quickly caught up with him weaving in and out of other kids from U.A. I finally got to him and grabbed him by the shoulder. "Hey Bakugo are you ok---" Bakugo looked at me with a giant blush plastered on his face he looked weak and a look of pain consumed his eyes.

"B-Bakugo?!?!" I shouted loudly. Catching him as he feel into my arms. That's when it hit me....I've only seen people like this when they're in...heat? Wait does that mean Bakugo is an...OMEGA?!?!

(That's the end of chapter one if you like it tell me and I'll do more no idea what the posting rate for this is going to be but I know I will at least post every three days most like every other day but idk *shrugs* well bye sisters)

Opposites love~Todoroki x Bakugo (heat addition)Where stories live. Discover now