Part 7: The Past Catches Up

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Bakugo's POV:

I could feel my heart pounding. 'Ok cool down don't act desperate just be chill about it ok.' 'Just be normal.'

"Ye-YES!" My voice squeezed. "Shit..." I mumbled face palming. Todoroki laughed pulling me into a hug. "I loved you Katsuki Bakugo I have for a long time and I will continue to no matter what..." Todoroki's words pierced a hole in my heart. I sucked up the tear that were trying to fall and tightened my grip on him..."I love you to---"

My words were quickly cut off my hundreds of screams coming from the hall. Todoroki quickly stood up. "What the hell...?" He mumbled. "Stay here I'll check it out." He told me. I smirked and brushed his comment off. "Just because your my boyfriend doesn't mean I loose my rights to I'm Bakugo for goodness sakes I'm the next Number 1 Hero I can handle anything this should be a piece of cake." I stood up and went into the halls with Todoroki following close behind me. Most of the people had cleared the hall but faint screams could still be heard. Out of nowhere a blue flames blow in  front of us. Booming an explosion in my hand I gather my confidence and yell loud enough that whoever was on the other side of the fire could hear.

"Ok listen up! Whoever is doing this I'm giving you 10 seconds to show yourself and surrender before I go and there and blow your ass up!" I saw a shadow start to emerge through the fire. I laughed. "So were doing this the easy way huh. Not that fun but works for me." I cracked my knuckles as the shadow popped out of the fire with a wide smirk. "Wait---Your that idiot from the camp!  Your  one of the guys that kidnapped me!" I immediately got ready to charge him as Todoroki quickly grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. "We...need to!" I could see the terror in his eyes. ' I wanted to go with him but...' Todoroki's hand gipped me tighter. He quickly pulled me into his chest as he created an ice path and quickly ran us out of there. I tried fighting out of his grasp. "Todoroki! YOU PEPERMINT HEAD! THAT WAS THE GUY BAKA WE NEED TO GO BACK!" I looked up at Todoroki with anger. He ignored me and continued top speed down the halls. After a moments silence...or well kinda there were still a lot of screams. But take it from me it was AWKWARD! We suddenly stopped in one of the training fields. Aizawa was there directing students to safety. There was a group of hero's farther out down the field. It looked like they were fighting something....but clearly loosing. Once Todoroki stepped down from his ice path and let go of me I quickly used the sweat in my palms to make a giant explosion boosting me into the air.

I was now flying into the air. I could hear Aizawa screaming at me trying to fly his scarf around me. Using my explosions to keep me in the air and doge the scarf was challenging but after a  minute or two Aizawa gave up. Looking over the group of heros I saw..."Kirishima!" Accidently letting my guard down I began to fall towards the ground. In shock of what happened I closed my eyes shut. I could hear shouts getting closer and closer.  Suddenly I felt arms around me. "You can open your eyes now Mr.Scary Kitty ." There was only one person who has the nerves to call me that... I opened my to see Mina holding me in her arms. "You know for a guy who has such a big ego and acts scary all the time I would of expected for you to be heavier." My eyes shot open as I came back to reality. I quickly jumped out of her arms. "mina Kirishima..h-he's--" I tried to tell her what I saw but I kept getting choked up on my words. "I wont let what happened to me happen to him!' "We have to-----!!!" Once again I was cut off but this time by Mr.Aizawa...?

He quickly grabbed me. "That's enough Mr. ...Bakugo." He quickly grabbed my arms and dragged me off to the side. "We cant let this get out! ....YOU wont let this get out!" Aizawa let go of my arm. "Now go...go home and tell anyone and trust me you'll have a life of detentions." As Aizawa walked away Todoroki made his way over to me quickly. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING ARE YOU OK?!?!?!" Todoroki shouted at me. I opened my mouth to speak but didn't. "L-let's just go ok!" I said in a demanding voice. He sighed dropping the topic and we silently walked home.

Once we arrived outside myself I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around. I looked up at Todoroki who looked nervous. I looked down at his hands he was fidgeting akwardly. "H-hey Bakugo c-can I talk to you for a-a sec...?" Todoroki stuttered. 'Do I even want to he breaking up with me ALREADY! Was it because I ran away! Ugh this is ridiculous!' "What?!" I shouted angrily. Todoroki looked a little shocked and stepped back. I grew even more angry. I quickly stepped towards him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "HUH WHAT AM I TO RECKLESS FOR YOU WELL GUESS WHAT LEAVE SEE IF I CARE!" I shouted dropping him onto the ground. I made my way back to the door of my house as he grabbed me from behind pulling me backwards towards him our lips barely apart. He stared deep into my eyes. "Whatever it is your going off at is ridiculous I love you even if you are insane. Also don't assume things because you were completely wrong." Todoroki said while smirking. I felt embarrassed I pushed him away quickly managing to get out of his grasp. My cheeks were bright red. "Fine then w-what was it halfy!" I stuttered. Todoroki grew silent for a moment then began to speak. "I-I can't tell you me tomorrow here." He handed me a piece of paper. I cocked my head to the side in confusion. Todoroki giggled at my confused face. He leaned in kissing my forehead and walked off. As soon as I thought I couldn't turn redder I did. Kicking in the door I quickly ran past my mom and into my room. 

(Sorry it's so long I didn't even notice it was this long until I edited it. I did this one on computer that's why but hope you like it byeeee)

Opposites love~Todoroki x Bakugo (heat addition)Where stories live. Discover now