Carrying out the Plan: Part 15

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Authors Note: to all I promised a chapter the next day and it's been weeks I am sorry. I luv y'all though and I'm here now. Because I feel bad here is a gender reveal yayyyyy, I go by both pronouns actually I identify as confused. So she/he works for me just don't call me it or then that's annoying af. Also anyone wanna collab a story with me if so my discord @ is Marshalł#7346 so uh add me and I can add you to my roleplay server too I roleplay there a lot. You guys can even drop comments on things in chapters you wanna see and shit anyways sorry for the fucking- *me going back to see how many months it's been* 2-3 month wait. So here you go I'll try to make this extra long for you. Just like me ;) don't worry I hate myself too anyways I hope you enjoy and sorry once again.

Todoroki's POV:
Here we were. It was late at night the next night. Bakugo was at home and all of the other villains were scattered throughout the campus. Unfortunately Bakugo was stuck with Dabi the one I know wouldn't be afraid to kill him at any second. I had faith in myself though me and Bakugo spent all night planning this. All I had to do was go through the plan with the villains and when I'm supposed to go and take the students I find Aizawa, tell him their plan, tell them the leagues hideout and where they are in the building. While I do that Bakugo should be sneaking out and I'm sure if we do that U.A will let us back in! We would of helped with so much info! We might even catch all of them for good. I've spent all night thinking this through. The possible failures, but it was all becoming real. I was standing there in the dorms. Not just any door my door. Or not mines anymore. I had crawled through the vents just like everyone else. We all separated going to different areas of the school. The plan was to gag as many students as we can and have them in a truck outside in 2 hours max. I carefully walked through the room. I still remembered which areas made squeaky noises so I managed to make it without being noticed. I triggered my arm into letting off a small flame that lead me throughout the dark dorm. I knew what I had to do now. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I slowly walked out of the room. All my fears finally came crashing down. My heart pounded and races my mind was running. "I have to get to Aizawa!" I tried my best to stay cool (pun intended) but the fear of the situation caused me to start to swear and breath heavy. I found his dorm. I'd never been inside before but I could tell this was it. I knocked twice quietly. After now reply I knocked louder hoping that no other villains were near. Truth was I was afraid, afraid dabi would hurt Bakugo, afraid a villain would see me, afraid I'd never be let back into U.A before I could finish my thoughts the door opened. It was a tired looking Aizawa. "Mr.Aizawa I-" he grabbed me yanking me inside the door and carefully shutting the dorm. "I know something's up you must have the league here." Mr Aizawas eyes stared into my soul. 'How did he already know?' He looked at me and shook me. "Huh come on answer me you have 3 minutes to explain why I should throw you in jail right now!" I looked nervous but took a deep breath ready to push it all out. "When you kicked me and Bakugo our we thought maybe if we could get enough info on the League of Villians you'd let us back so for the past few months we've been working with them and figured out their plan I was going to come tell you before but If I did that they'd kill Bakugo because they refused to let us both leave together so I had to wait till now. Bakugo is still in danger he's being watched by Dabi the Villian back at the League hideout. All the others are here, Toga on the first floor, Shigaraki on the 2nd and warp as lookout. I'll tell you everything I even have the address of the hangout just let us back and please- s-Save my omega..." I looked at him in fear of what he was going to say. He dropped me onto the floor and grabbed his glasses. "Welcome back to U.A stay here and I'll deal with your ass later now don't you dare leave this room or I guarantee getting into U.A will be the least of your problems." All I could do was nod the words left my mouth. I saw him grab his scarf as he pressed a button. Suddenly I heard the sound of alarms going off everywhere. I ran to the window and looked outside. All the gates were closing. I looked back to see he had left. I heard screams and groans of kids in their dorms. I went to open the door but soon realized the alarm had locked them all in. This must be a new security system. I heard footsteps running down the halls. Soon enough I heard Nezu walking down the hall shouting,"If all students could please stay calm. This is just a drill everything is under control, stay and your room and close ALL your windows." I ran to the door and yelled back. "Principle Nezu! Let me out please it's todoroki!!" I heard the silence in the hall as the door was quickly opened. His eyes met mine and-

Thank you for reading imma try to be more consistent and I'm trying to get back into writing its a little shitty atm but I'll get better I promise

Opposites love~Todoroki x Bakugo (heat addition)Where stories live. Discover now