Another Braid

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    Severus smiles at Remus across the Great Hall. He smiles back, unsure, and glances at Sirius Black, who is sitting next to him. Black is opening an envelope, and both Severus and James know it's from Remus, telling him where to go for a gift from his secret admirer. Before he can see Black's reaction, an owl lands in front of him. Severus rolls his eyes, takes the small bit of parchment on the bird's leg, hands it a bit of bacon, and watches it fly away. He glances up to see Sirius Black missing, and James Potter smiling toward the Slytherin table like an idiot. A cute idiot, but still very much an idiot. Severus sticks his tongue out at him, then opens the note to read, not bothering to see his reaction.
"Day twenty of my apologizing and you being out of the infirmary. I'm sorry I didn't save you sooner last year. If I had known Sirius was going to be such a prat, I would have been protecting the entrance. You wouldn't have made it all the way down the tunnel, and that close to death. Or being bitten. I still scold Sirius about his actions, more so now that we're friends. He knows if he ever tries anything like that again, we are no longer best mates. Remus does harsher punishments, but we all secretly know he deserves them. Thank you for giving me a chance to make up for all the wrong's I've done over the years. It means a lot to me." Severus can't help but smile as he reads the end. Every note starts and ends the same way, but dammit if it doesn't make him smile every time. He looks up just in time to see James throw an airplane made out of parchment, and watch it fly toward him. He laughs softly as he catches it, opening it quickly. A few people stare at him, then James, but they don't say anything. "Meet me by the lake after breakfast. I want to try something new with your hair."

James taps Severus's cheek, indicating he is done and the Slytherin can move again. He stretches out his neck first, smiles, then leans over the lake to look at his reflection. He can barely recognize himself. Most of his hair is pulled back in a fishtail braid, and what was too short for that braid is in a braid on either side of his face, just in front of his ears. He tilts his head, and lets out a small gasp when he sees the flowers littered in the main braid. Daisies, tulips, and even a few roses lay beautifully in his hair. Looking closer, he sees a few bluebells and forget-me-nots between the bigger flowers. "James, it's wonderful!" He gasps out, crawling over to give him a tight hug.
"I'm glad you like it." His cheeks tint pink. "And the flowers won't die or wilt. I transfigured them from scraps of parchment." Severus laughs softly.
"You're really good at Transfiguration, aren't you?" James pulls out of the hug, runs his hand through his hair, and rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Not as good as you are at Potions."
"At least Transfiguration doesn't disagree with my hair. Most of the time." Potter snorts.
"I don't think Potions agrees with anyone's hair. Except maybe Sirius's. I swear he comes out with better hair than he went in with." Severus rolls his eyes, but lets out a quiet, melodic laugh anyway. "I definitely prefer making you laugh. Especially over whatever the hell I thought I was doing before. That was unacceptable." The Slytherin looks away, not willing to comment. He stares at the lake, wanting to see his reflection again. But he doesn't want to move away from James, so he settles for a longing stare. "Will you keep it in for Hogsmeade today?" James's voice sounds hopeful, but there's a strange undertone. Almost... broken? Severus realizes it's because he's afraid they will go back to being enemies. Both of them are, he supposes. One argument or wrong move could lead to the fighting they're used to, until their friendship grows. He gives James his best, brightest smile.
"Of course I will. It would be pointless for you to spend so much time perfecting it and no one else seeing it. Besides, I love it. Even if we had classes today I would keep it in. The only thing is, I don't think I want the day to end. I don't want to take it out." Potter's face lights up.
"Really? You like it that much? I'm glad! I can do it every day until I find something new I want to try, if you would like. I don't mind." Severus turns his head into his shoulder, hiding his smile and blush. When he gets his blush under control, he lifts his head back up.
"I would love that. Though we might not have enough time to come all the way out here before class every day, unfortunately, as peaceful and perfect as it is."
"That's okay! As long as you're willing to come over to Gryffindor table after we eat so I can put it in. Or I could lift up the conversation and bring Sirius, Remus, and Peter to the Slytherin table, if that would make you more comfortable." Severus shakes his head.
"Your House table is fine. I wouldn't want someone to start a fight with you for coming to me. Besides, I only really get along with Black from my House. Maybe I can bring him with me so the brothers can socialize a bit. I know things are rough between them since he left." James nods solemnly.
"Remus and I keep telling him to reach out, but he refuses. Sometimes Sirius is too prideful. Things would be so much better if he would just talk to Regulus. But he's still my best mate, so I keep that opinion to myself."
"Well, if it means anything, he misses having his big brother around." James smiles.
"It does mean something. Actually, it means everything. Sirius misses him too."

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