chapter 3| College

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A/n: Y'all I really wanted to update on Wednesdays but I just want to update now so enjoy. Comment Song recommendations for above

I woke up around 8:30 and got dressed for my first day of college.

Then I woke up Dakota. I put her in some blue jeans and a pink Dora shirt. I went downstairs and I enrolled her to daycare temporarily. That took like 30 minutes I'm already going to be running late for school. I took another Uber there and and walked towards campus.

My first class was Art History. I walked in and all heads turned towards me. There was like 20-25 people looking at me. "Glad you could join" The professor started "Find a seat the class is just started". I looked for a random seat and sat there.

The Proffesor began rambling on about art. I got out my notebook and started writing when my pencil broke. "Sh*t" I said rather loudly. "Oh I'm sorry am I bothering you young lady" The professor said. I started to speak but then he said "This is College I expect you to take this seriously".

I decided not to respond and just let him talk. "Here" a voice said from behind me. I looked back to see That guy from registry day handing me a pen. I smiled and thanked him.

After class I made my way for the door. "So what's your name" A boy said while walking beside. It was that guy again. "It's Melanie". "Well hi Melanie my name is Noah" He clarified . "What time do you go to the cafeteria, it should be on your schedule" Noah added. I took out my schedule and said "It's at 1". "Great, I'll see you there" Noah said before turning into a classroom.

~Time Lapse~At Lunch~
I guess you can say I was looking forward to lunch. It was my first day of college and I made a friend. When I finally found the cafeteria I didn't see him. I knew it was too good to be true. I just got fries and a drink. I sat down and started writing for my Creative writing class. That's what I was majoring in.

Then someone sat right in front of me which causes me to cover what I was writing. "Hey Mel". It was Noah. I smiled. "You know. You're very mysterious" He said taking a bite into his sandwich. "How am I mysterious" I asked. "Well" he said wiping his mouth with his napkin " You don't talk a lot, like you have some sort of crazy past". Little did he know hew was right.

"And you're obviously not from here" Noah added. "I could be from here" I clarified eating another fry". " Well your wearing a crop top and Gets cold the later it gets" He pointed out. " I'm from Utah actually". A shocked expression came upon face. "Wow" is all he said. I nodded and continued to eat my fries.

"Are you always this quiet" He asked. I shook my head. Then I spoke up "No". "Good. YOH should come to my frat party tonight it starts at 9 but if really starts at 10. I gotta go I have class soon, here's my number if you have any questions this campus can be a maze at times". We exchanged numbers. He got up gave me a final smile before he left. Should I go? Am I ready for this mentally?

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