chapter 4| Fire

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I went home feeling happy. It's been so long since I had this feeling. When I picked up Dakota I realized I couldn't go to the party. Dakota is 7 and soon I have to enroll her in actual school. Guess we could stay in and watch Spongebob.

"How was school" Dakota asked quietly I couldn't barely hear her. "Oh it was fine". Dakota used to be very playful. Now she's quieter than ever. I would be worried if I wasnt behaving the same way. I used to be fun


"Happy NEW YEARS" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I took another shot. We had a huge party at my mansion. I kissed any one I could get my hands it happened to be this girl Erika. And that's how I met my best friend. We laughed it off and partied together the rest of the night. I had gotten so drunk Erika had to drive me home. At my school I was known for having the the best parties. And if it wasn't at my house it wasn't a party without me. I'm not proud of it but I was the "mean girl".
*End of flashback*

My thoughts were interrupted by a text. It was from Noah.

Noah: Hey, You coming to the party
Melanie: No, sorry I have a little sister to watch
Noah: Why don't you ask your parents to watch her.
Noah: Oh I forgot your from Utah. Nevermind I'll see you tomorrow.

There goes my happiness. Right after I put Dakota in my bed. I gotta a call from an unknown number. So I picked up. It was the fire department.
"Hello is this Melanie Johnson" A voice said. " Yes this is she" I said hesitantly. "We found the cause of the fire".

Those words left me shook. "It looks like the fire was intentional, Could you come to the police station in Utah". I quickly hung up. No one can know what really happened. That was a I'll secret I will take to my grave. If anyone found out I'd lose everything. After that call I went to bed. Maybe if I sleep I'll feel better. Maybe.

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