chapter 6|Flashbacks

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I started writing while he was on his phone. "When is this essay due" I asked making him raise his head from his phone. " Tomorrow"He said returning back to his phone. "So shouldn't you be writing" I asked again.

" This is my second year of college, I learned that I work better under pressure". He sat up. " You should try it, you're so tense" He said looking into my eyes. "No I'm not" I denied. " My magor is Psycology, Do you have liquor, it tends to help". I haven't drank in a while I could some to ease my mind.

"I have a 7 year old in the other room, In not drinking" I said. " You know what else helps you get less tense" He appealed. Before I answered he moved closer pressing his soft lips on mine. It caught me by surprise at first but I went along with it. Then I got a flash back.

~Flashback~ Sorta Triggering~

After a long day at school. I was laying down when my dad walked in. "Hey Da-" All of a sudden he started rubbing my thigh and trying to kiss me. I pushed him away and he slapped me.

~End of Flashback~

I ended up pushing Noah back."Woah, What happened" Noah asked sincerely. I hadn't even realized I was crying until he wiped the tears away. "You should go" I whispered. He didn't fuss, he got his things and left.

Why am I like this? Why do I keep having these flashbacks? Why did I push away my only somewhat friend? As these questions filled my head I started crying more. I tried to contain myself. I didnt want to wake Dakota but before I knew it she was hugging me.

Weeks have gone by and I still haven't spoken to Noah. That didn't stop him from texting me. I always responded like "I'm fine" or "You didn't do anything wrong". One night since Dakota was at the Daycare still. I decided to stay at college in the library.

It was 8 pm So I didn't think anyone would be there. I was wrong. There was a group of people at a table. Including Noah. I quickly disappeared behind a book shelf. I was looking for a book on the civil war. It was a little too high. I stepped on a stool to reach it. Before I grabbed it a hand grabbed it. It was Noah.

"Oh thanks" I stammered. I went to walk by him then he stopped. " You really gonna avoid me" He said. " I'm not" I argued. " Ever since that night you haven't even said hi to me unless I texted you" he pointed out. " I totally freaked out on you I was embarrassed" I said looking down at my feet. " Consider it forgotten, Come meet my friends" He said taking my hand and started leading me to the table.

"Guys meet my friend Melanie, Melanie this is Todd, Vanessa, Dylan and Britney". I half smiled. " Hi" I said shyly. "If you're gonna hang with us you can't be shy" A guy said. "Leave her alone Todd" Vanessa said. "They say the shy ones are really crazy" Dylan laughed. "So where'd you come from" Brittany said glaring at me. "Utah". She crossed her arms still staring at me.

They have been talking a lot while I sat there listening. I didn't even realize that Noah was still holding my hand from when he brought me over. It seem like he didn't notice either. But I think Brittany noticed because she kept staring. I checked the time it was 10: 37 p.m.. I had to get Dakota. " I have to go" I whispered to Noah. "Want me to walk you to your car" He asked. "No, I uh kinda need my hand back" I laughed. " Oh sorry" he said as he let go. "Bye guys".

Im glad Noah doesn't think I'm a weirdo for what happened. But I know he is still curious.

3rd POV

Brittany didn't like the fact that Noah is being all nice to Melanie. Noah was for her and her only. If Melanie got in the way Brittany would surely make sure her life is ruined.

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