Revelations and Reunions

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Shortly before the liberation of Lothal...

Ezra was tossing rocks off the side of the mountain that the rebels had been using as their base. They were hours away from executing their final plan. The young man had spent some time in meditation, bringing himself to an uneasy inner peace as to not let his emotions interfere with the task at hand. He was also meditating again when he heard a voice behind him.



"Hey", Ezra responded monotonously.

Sabine sat down beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. "You alright?"

"I'm fine. Just... nervous."

"Really? The great Ezra Bridger is nervous? I am absolutely shocked", the Mandalorian replied sarcastically. Ezra chuckled took a sip of water from his canteen. "What about you, Madam Wren? Surely you must be feeling slightly sullied about this whole endeavor."

Sabine sat still and silent for a moment, brushing her hair out of her eyes. "I... yeah. You could say that."

Sensing much more than she was letting on, Ezra grabbed her hand and gave her a reassuring smile. "You wanna talk about it?"

"I... I can't put it into words, Ezra. I just wanna show you."

She scooted closer and wrapped her arms around her Jedi best friend, hugging him tightly. Ezra was blushing like mad and struggling to breathe, but he reciprocated the action.

"Whatever happens, Ezra... I just want you to know something."

"What, Sabine?"

She pulled away from him slightly and stared into his eyes, inching ever closer. "Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum."

Ezra didn't understand Mando'a, so he didn't know what that meant. He was about to ask when his comm started buzzing and Hera's voice came through.

"Ezra, we need you at the command center pronto. Last minute planning is in full swing."

"You'd *ahem* better get that", Sabine said nervously as she let go of him. Ezra grabbed the transmitter and stood up. "I'll be right there, Hera."

He looked down at Sabine and smiled, and she did the same.

Later that day...

Sabine stormed into Ezra's tower and angrily threw herself onto the small bed, crying her eyes out into the pillow. Ezra was gone, flung off into the far reaches of kark-knows-where.

And it was all her fault.

She was the one who didn't tell Hera when Ezra snuck away to surrender to Thrawn. She had the chance to stop him from disappearing and she didn't take it.

All because she loved him.

"I... I should've just told him so he could understand. I was too afraid to say it in Basic so he didn't even know what I said... Gods, I'm a fool."

She sat up in the bed and was immediately assaulted by a falling stormtrooper helmet.

"Ow! Stupid bucket!"

The angry young woman chucked the item across the small room, knocking something off a nearby shelf. It was an old-fashioned paper journal. As much as it caught Sabine's eye, she resisted looking at it.

"Ezra doesn't want me rooting around in his junk. What kind of friend would I be?"

Approximately two seconds later, she was flipping through the pages. Ezra had used the journal to catalog some of his escapades on the streets of Capital City, but things got interesting when she got into the last few pages.

"So I met these people. They're Rebels, fighting against the Empire. About time someone gave those bucketheads what-for.

There's Kanan, the badass hotshot Jedi.

Zeb, the angry, big smelly purple cat thing.

Hera, the mother of the crew who keeps everyone in check.

Chopper, the stupid little droid that keeps shocking me.

And Sabine. Gods, the things I could say about Sabine. She's beautiful, headstrong, a poet with a blaster and a maestro with explosives.

And she's too good for me."

Reading Ezra's description of her made Sabine tear up slightly. She wiped her eyes and read the words over and over.

"I guess even an immature brat finds his voice every now and then", she sniffled, "Bridger, you idiot. You've got me all sideways."

Five years later...

"Welcome home."

Sabine stepped into the tower's remodeled living quarters, which had been expanded into a proper home. Following behind her was a mature young man with electric blue eyes complimented by raven-colored hair and a beard to match.

It was Ezra.

"Sabine... Did you do all this?"

"I had a little help. Hera and the others helped me throw this together while you were gone. What do you think?"

"It's... it's amazing. But it's a little too big for just me."

The Jedi grabbed Sabine's hands and stared down into her amber eyes.

Kriff me, when did he get so tall?

"I just... I wanted to say..."

Before Ezra could finish his sentence, Sabine's expression melted into a scowl and she slapped him hard across the face.

"Ow! What the kark, Sabine?!"

"That's for disappearing."

"I was about to apologize! You didn't even give me a chance to..."

He was cut off again, this time by Sabine grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling herself up to kiss him. Ezra's shocked eyes fluttered shut as he wrapped his arms around Sabine, deepening the embrace. When the young adults separated, both of them were blushing bright red.

"That's for staying alive until I could find you", Sabine murmured as she nuzzled her head in the crook of Ezra's neck.

"Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, Sabine."

She gasped and looked at him, reminded of when she told him that just before he went missing.

"You... you know... what that means?"

Ezra chuckled nervously and rubbed his neck. "Yeah. You tend to learn a few things when you're roaming the galaxy for five years. Met a couple Mandalorians, picked up some language lessons."

"Well in that case", she said before giving him another quick kiss, "I love you, too."

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