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Early days of Season 4. Ezra and Sabine are already together.

   The mission had gone pear-shaped (big surprise), and the Ghost crew was struggling to escape from an Imperial recon station before Sabine's explosives went off.

   "Agh! Where the kark is Ezra?!", Zeb shouted as a blaster bolt nearly took one of his ears off.

  "I don't know but he needs to get his carcass down here before the place blows!", Sabine called back. On the inside, she was worried that her Jedi compatriot was in real danger.

   Ezra was running through the halls of the station, slicing and blasting his way through Imp after Imp. He was almost to the hangar when he got surprised by a squad of Death Troopers. One of them clotheslined him as he ran, knocking him flat on his back. Winded, the Padawan stood up and assumed a defensive stance.

   The elite Imperial soldiers surrounded him, and Ezra knew he wasn't making it out of this situation so easily.

      "Sabine...", he spoke into his comm, "Tell Hera to get out of here."

   "Ezra, where are you?! We're getting shot to Hell and back out here!"

   "I'm held up. Not gonna get back to the Ghost in time."

    The Mandalorian wasn't in the mood for self-sacrifice speeches. "Damnit, Ezra Bridger, you tell me where you are right now or I'll find you myself and skin you alive!"

There was nothing else but static.

  "Ezra?! Ezra?!"

   Hera winced as sparks flew in the Ghost's cockpit. "Sabine, you and Zeb get on board! If Ezra's been captured, we'll find him, but we can't risk the entire crew right now!"

   Sabine looked back and forth between the Ghost's ramp and the hallway leading to the rest of the station. Between saving Ezra and saving herself.

   Before she could run the other way, Zeb grabbed Sabine by the waist and yanked her on board, sealing the ramp behind them. Hera gunned the freighter in reverse and catapulted out of the station, making the jump back to Yavin as soon as they were clear. What none of the rebels saw was an Imperial shuttle escaping the station just before it blew.

   When the Ghost landed back as the Massassi Temple, Sabine stormed down the ramp and threw her helmet at a stack of crates. AP-5 nearly short-circuited himself when he saw the mess she had created.

"Spectre 5, you really must be more careful! It took me hours to get those crates organized!"

   "Go switch off, you stupid bucket of bolts. My best friend is probably captured or dead. I don't have time to deal with your uppity nonsense", the Mandalorian hissed.

   The former Imperial droid scoffed. "Well I never... I should report you for... oh never mind. It's not like I have anything better to do than stack more crates." He shuffled away, fearful for his artificial life. Mandalorians definitely were a frightful bunch.

   Hera stepped down the ramp and sat next to Sabine, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

   "You okay?"

"Hera, I honestly don't know. Ezra could be... you know. I don't wanna think about it."

   "Look, we'll find him. You just have to have faith", the Twi'lek said in a motherly voice as she hugged her surrogate daughter, "Okay?"


    Elsewhere in the galaxy, Ezra woke up to feel the cold metal of binders around his wrists. He was in an Imperial detention cell aboard a Star Destroyer. Memories of his first time meeting Kallus seeped in.

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