Go bonkers-

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It is 3 o'l Clock and Eva is physically vibrating , she's anxious about the date, " tj, I cant believe I asked that girl from yesterday out." Eva says, " okay nugger," tj replies, " like you don't understand how I am feeling right now, I feel happy? Yeah I'm happy and I also feel anxious, What should I say? And am I going to do? Should I kiss her Or something?" " I don't know..." tj says, " maybe you should calm down first, stop vibrating, you'll get a heart attack and that will be a big bruh moment. nugger," " yeah, you are right," Eva said and then Eva took a couple deep breathes calming herself down, " I just feel weird, like not orgasm weird, like spiritual weird." " what the fuck is orgasm weird? Nugger," tj replies in confusion. " orgasm weird is like weird..." Eva said also confused, "what did I even say again?" "You said orgasm weird, nugger" Tj says, " what the fuck is orgasm weird?" Eva replies, " I don't know what that is, i just heard it from you because you just said it," "you know what never mind. Nugger." Eva suddenly realizes she had a date in 30 minutes, Eva says and gets her phone, it's 3: 20 and she gets off of work at 3:15. " oh shit" Eva says softly, she walks fast to her locker and changes into her tank top and baggy ass pants she brought with her then hurries  to her car and drives to going bananas, " sorry I'm 5.10 minutes late, there was traffic." Eva says panting. " that's fine, I understand." Lily said and hands her a menu, " here, pick out your drink," " heh, thanks," Eva replies back, Eva looks at lily thinking about what drink she will be choosing and her freckles sparkled and glimmered, lily was wearing a fancy sparkly mauve colored dress that matched her freckles,  she looked like she came right of a movie. She was stunning. "Hi..." Eva says with starry eyes, "how are you doing?" "I'm doing good, how about you?" Lily replies with her blinding glittering freckles. " I'm also doing well, what do you do for your job?" Eva asks, " I write books for a living, so an author kinda." "You write books? That's neat, what type of books do you write or written?" Eva asks and leans over the table to look at lily's Computer fascinated. Lily clearly see her cleavage, Their faces were extremely close together and Eva gets flustered and sits back down. " sorry about that," Eva says blushing and looking away, " it's fine." Lily says with a grin, she has never made anyone flustered before so Eva being flustered made her happy, it made her feel like she was worth something towards this person , she wanted to feel like this forever. A waiter walks up to them, and lily, and Eva both look at the waiter, " what would you two ladies want to drink?" The waiter asks with a friendly smile. " oh I'll have A kelp juice." Eva looks over at lily and see her order a cold can of la croix sparkling water.   The waiter then walks away giving these two lovely ladies time to think about what food they will order and to get their drinks, Lily looks down to see what is on the menu and Eva follows, Eva looks up a bit to look at lily and sees her lick her licks in an non sexual way but somehow looks so graceful doing that,Lily looks up  at Eva to see Eva look away, lily grins again and thinks, "she really is cute." 

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