Skin of thy head-

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The waiter walks up to the lovely ladies from before and asks them for what they will be ordering, " can I have a crabby patty?" Lily says , " And I will get a gekyume foreskin," the waiter then finishes writing down their order and is handed the menus then leaves, Eva watches the waiter leave and looks what she saw next to where the waiter is walking towards, she sees this lesbian couple having fun bumping each other in bumper cars, an Asian wearing glasses with a dyke with short hair, her hair that reminded Eva of captain marvels in endgame, " that is definitely a lesbian." Eva says softly under her breath ,Eva turns and looks back at lily and asks lily a question, " so what books do you write?" Eva says leaning towards the table and lily. " oh, I write... things..." Lily says nervously, " I wrote...the titanic... and also fifty shades of grey..." Lily looks away. She never told anyone what genre she writes in. It's too embarrassing for her to tell anyone that she writes erotic books. Like the innocent person she is she is dumbfounded from hearing this.She heard  of those books before but never knew what they were really about , since Eva has heard of these books before she thinks they are popular or something ," that's cool" Eva says in a fascinated  tone,Lily turns and looks at Eva surprised that she accepts her, " can you tell me what they are about? I never read those books before but I'd like to know what they are about." Eva says with a kind smile. Lily starts to tell Eva the plots of the books she wrote with detail and they had a fun time. Eva was very interested in what lily does everyday and decides to some day read one of her books. The food came and they kept talking, When the date ended and Eva is driving home she sees a book store and decides to go in and find the book lily wrote and purchase them to read. " life is really going up milhouse." Eva says with a smile. She checks the time in her car and it is 5:00, " it's really has been a long time since I had fun or even on a date at all... it was nice..."

10 minutes have pasted and something definitely happened. Everything happened so fast for Eva to process what has happened, not because she was stupid or anything she just couldn't. She was called an ambulance and was rushed to the hospital. All She feels is pain from that car crash. Old Eva might have would have just wanted to die already right there but She now has a reason to live, because of lily. She found a reason to live and it was love.

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