oak valley ave-

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Eva is at the club and has a drink in her hand. She sees a tall and beautiful woman with long blond, red hair wearing a beautiful white dress. Eva sees that mysterious woman walk up to her slowly and then she wakes up in the hospital. It took Eva a second to realize that it was all a dream but it was the same dream she kept having for the past week, her shoulders feel heavy and hurt. she realized she doesn't know how she got here. She remembered she Got into a car accident so it would make sense why she is there. Eva's old best friend from high school  with Lily Stargazers and carnations, " hi Eva, how are you doing? The hospital called me in," Eva's old friend asks, " im- im doing fine." Eva says, she Probably has been asleep for a long time because she forgot how to speak for a bit. "That's good to know." Eva's old friend says placed the flowers on her lap . " I got these for you. I hope you get better," Eva looks down at the flowers then at her friend and smiled. " thanks for the flowers. That is really nice of you to do that." Eva says, she looks him up and down scanning him and he still looks like same old Nicholas. His navy colored shirt from old navy,his kanky shorts, and black nike sneakers." No problem." Nicholas walks to sit down in the chair placed next to Eva's hospital bed." Long time no see Nicholas," Eva says, " how have you been since graduation?" Nicholas asks kicking the air. "I've been doing good. How about you? You still wear the same old stuff so I'm guessing not much. " Eva says then glances away from eye contact with Nicholas then to the window. She sees a crow flying high coming down and glances back at Nicholas, she misses lily. " I've been good too." Nicholas says as he looks away. " how has your gaming career been,Nicholas?" Eva asks, " do you still live in your mom's basement like a virgin?" Eva snickers. "oh shut up," Nicholas chuckles , " have you seen endgame yet? you know that Garfield dies in-" " aaaaaaaaaaaaa." Nicholas puts his hands over his ears.he went sicko mode for a second. " don't spoil endgame." Nicholas grins with his hands over his ears. " Nicholas it has been 15 years. You need to watch it to understand endgame." Eva states. Can you believe this dumbass still hasn't watched endgame but seen Spider-Man:far from home? Nicholas laughs, "hey I have something to tell you," " what is it?" Eva asks, " I already saw endgame." Nicholas beaming. " are you serious?" Eva feels ignorant. All these years and he has been acting? Eva Is really dumbfounded," your acting is really good. Why would you want to be a gamer when you could have done acting?"  " did you actually think I'm think dumb?" Nicholas asks with a smile? " I actually did" they giggled. It was nice for her to see Nicholas again. It was comforting to know that he came. 

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