Chapter 3:Downward Spiral of Stairs

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Months had passed. For Selozar, it felt as if it were years. Things progressively gotten worse ever since Alone had found out.

The same thoughts ran through Selozar's mind every day;

"How could this even happen..?"


"... Why?"

"Why would I end up like this...?!"

"... When did this even happen..?"

"When did he...
...find out all of this!?"

(Lines from the Madoka Magica Movie, Rebellion, after... something... happens. Yeah, not gonna spoil it.)

Everything that had gone wrong with Selozar's life continued to spiral out of control, he'd be lying to say he never regretted what he did. His mental state also shattered along with all his hopes and dreams.

He began walking an endless flight of stairs to only be dragged further by the depression that drew him in, and when trying to run back up to happiness, the stairs began to grow longer and longer, as the chains and weights of depression held him back from continuing. The more his hope was destroyed, the more he wanted to end it all, and jump down the flight of stairs to see what all his work was for at the bottom, all his suffering, what was it all worth at the end?

Truth be told, he always was walking down these stairs, but constantly stopped at the few floors at the top, for a rest, sometimes walking up to the brightness that now he could no longer see, but after he fucked up, his mentality tripped thousands, maybe ten thousands of stairs, and instead of going back up, he walked down to see what was there. The light above that he once bathed in, was now fearing, and faint.

He wouldn't ever escape this unforgiving cycle of his sins. One thing he didn't understand on the other hand, was how he didn't despise Albert, rather he hated himself for what he had done, but he never could go back, no matter how much he tried. It was his fault, he had nobody else to blame.

Now, he sat in a cage, treated like an animal like the rest of Alone's creations, curled up in a ball. His face felt crusty, he cried a lot. His loneliness got to the point he constantly mumbled to himself, having full out conversations as if he was in a shower- in which he technically was, a shower of his own tears and depression.

He heard foot steps, and hesitantly looked up, to see Alone pacing back and forth through the hall. Normally, Selozar would ask what was on his mind, but now he not dared speak up, nor speak at all.

"AGH!" Alone screamed, slamming his arm into one of the bars of Selozar's cage. Selozar jumped, scooting back to the corner, preparing to be brutally beaten. Alone looked Selozar dead in the eyes, Selozar could feel his anger boiling inside of him.

Alone then mumbled, "This is all your fault."

"He no longer trusts me because you were ratting me out." Alone looked away, before making direct eye contact again, "My one plan to bring everything back, and you had to say I was hiding something."

Selozar looked down at the floor, Alone grabbed at the bars, negative energy run thick through the room, "THE DISTRICTS WAS DEMOLISHED!" Alone screamed, Selozar tried desperately to scoot back, shaking with fear, "I CAN'T DESTROY THE GUARDS THEY PLACED, EVEN WITH THIS GIANT SWORD!"

Selozar nodded, feeling tears run down his face. "YOU COULD HAVE SAVED US!" Alone took a deep breath, and walked to the other side of the room, "Grate Statue does more than you, and he does not breathe."

Alone began to raise his voice, "TOY DOES MORE THEN YOU, AND TOY IS EVEN LESS USEFUL!" Selozar began to silently sob, but quickly wiped away his tears, in fear of punishment. Alone began to walk towards Selozar's cage, about to pull out his sword.

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