22. Evidence

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From: Butterfly, rewritten scenes (changed order of events)

Jungkook POV

One of the hardest night of my life. I almost lost my mind when she stripped in front of me. I know Jinri, I know her too well. I knew it wasn't like her to stripped to her undergarments in front of her boyfriend when she actually can't kiss her boyfriend.

Here I was thinking maybe she's just being accomodating by letting me kiss her. It turns out she's thinking of whether or not I really like her.

Five times, I had to jerk off five times, five and half I stopped because of that photo. Thank you for the boner killer, Jinri.

"Arrrrgggghhhh!" I shouted in frustration. This is a first time for me. Physically draining myself so I could see her. Mentally draining myself to stopped thinking of things I wanted to do with her.

"Maknae," Taehyung peeked in, "Lunch is ready. You skipped breakfast. Are you having some problems?"

"No. I'll be right there in a minute." I said and Taehyung closed the door.

When I came out, Yoongi, Jimin, and Hobi are not in sight. "Who's cooking if you're here?" I asked Jin.

"Your mochiballs." He answered and squint at me. He poked Namjoon and whispered something. Namjoon looked at me and chuckled.

"Bunnykins, here's you pancake, the largest one because—" Jimin started to say when Namjoon cut him off.

"Maybe you should stop calling him that, Jimin." Namjoon said and touched his neck as if it's hurting.

Jimin then chuckled before sitting, "Looks like my bunnykins has been really really naughty."

I furrowed my brows but they just laughed at me. "Do you have something to say to us? Something you've been keeping a secret? As long as it's not Jessie, we won't mind." Jimin said and I think my heart stopped.

"Jimin! I told you, we can't say her name. The last time we did, she appeared in his life again." Jin said.

"Jessie. Jessie. Jessie." I said and Jin looked aghast, "She won't appear again. I swear."

"If that's not Jessie, who's that?" Namjoon asked.

"Who's What?" I asked then Jimin's phone rang.

"Hello? — Who? — oh no no, this is Jimin but he's here. Who should I say is calling? — okay." Jimin then smiled sheepishly.

"A certain Lain, calling for his Bunnyman

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"A certain Lain, calling for his Bunnyman." Jimin said and I quickly snatched his phone.

"I'll take it outside."

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