33. Second Hand Embarassment

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Jinri POV

After getting out of the cab, I saw Jin Hyung's car on the driveway. Maybe it's the perfect time, a good time to tell them that I was planning to talk to my brother again.

When, I opened the door, Jungkook was hugging someone. They were both crying and I immediately knew who it was, I let go of the bag of food I bought and cried.

"Oppa." I said and they both turned towards me.

"Baby girl!" He said and I ran towards him like a little kid. "I was hoping you'll still recognize me."

His arms were quickly wrapped around me and I feel at home again. He was always my safe place. I missed him so much but I remember the reason why I was mad at him.

I pushed him back but he was controlling his smile. "Why are you here?" I asked.

"To break you two up of course!" My brother sheepishly said as Jungkook hug his back.

"Mochiballs, come on don't tell some bad ass joke like that

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"Mochiballs, come on don't tell some bad ass joke like that."

"You can't." I said. "I'm pregnant."

Both of them stared at me, my brother slowly turning pale while Jungkook begans to think deeply.

"I will be, if you beat Kookie up again." I said and my brother took the water on the table and drank it's entire contents while clutching his heart.

"Jimin, punch me again, please—" Jungkook said and we all laughed.

"Take care of him, his heart is brand new, never been used, his junior though, you got a bad deal on that one." My brother then turned to Jungkook. "Take care of her. I'll take her back if you don't."

My brother then hugged me tightly. "I'm still your big brother, okay? If this dip shit hurts you tell me" He let go of the hug and cup my face. "Tell me so I can put some sense into his brain. He loves you, I could attest to that but he's not very smart—"


"Shut up, Bunnykins." My brother said as I hug him tight and he hugged me back while we were swaying and crying.

"I missed you, oppa." I said.

"I missed you, too Baby girl."

"Mochiballs, I'm hungry. Let's eat— and let me hug Jinri, too." Jungkook said.

We went to a local resto with few customers and laughed about the fiasco that happened. When the laughter died down, I looked at them both and smiled.

"I think this is the first time we three have been together since... since Jungkook fetched me from the train station." I told them while we started to eat.

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