IR- Hydra? Pfttt... never heard of it.

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*Trigger warning* This chapter is about a school getting put in a hostage situation similar to a school shooting. I and aware that school shootings are nothing to make light of, they are horrible and it is heart breaking that they even are a thing. There will also be torture with a bit of gore so if that is not for you please don't read this. This is not to make light of school shootings and if this topic is not okay for you to read about then please skip it. Honestly this gave me a bit of anxiety just writing it. I will try to get another chapter out in the next few days. Until then. 


"Hey dude, you okay?" Ned asked leaning towards his friend sitting next to him.

"Yeah loser, you seem on edge," MJ added on his other side.

"I don't know guys. I've been on edge on morning." Peter runs his hands over his face before glancing at both of his friends, "My you-know-what won't stop sending messages to my brain. I feel like I'm going insane."

"Why do you th-" Ned was cut off as the teacher enters the lab.

"Good morning class! Today we are going to be talking about atomic physics abit, which will tie over to Ms. Warrens class later in the week. Speaking of atomic physics, did one particle in the particle accelerator like the other? Yes, they had a "smashing" good time!" Mr. Cobbwell laughed at his own joke for a second before continuing. "Actually I've been to see a particle accelerator made by Dr. Well's. It was fa-"

We are now under lockdown. I repeat we are now under lockdown. This is not a drill. This is not a drill.

For a solid second it seemed that everyone in the class froze before Mr. Cobbwell jumped into action.

"We don't have any windows, we have to lockdown." He jumped into action locking the doors and moving a poster over the doors small window. "Everyone go to the back. Those who can fit get in the closet or the cupboards. Go. Now." 

Everyone started moving, Peter shoved Ned and MJ to the closet and ushered other students in after them, staying out in the main classroom despite Ned's protests.  Only four other students were able to fit with Ned, MJ, and Flash, so Peter closed the door to make sure they were not seen. Only two kids were able to get in the cupboards due to them being filled so there were still twenty students out in the open, plus their teacher. Peter made sure that as the rest of the students sat on the floor in the back, that he was the closest to the door.

Everyone around Peter had paled faces, a few even had tears if they were not frozen in shock. Peter looked at his wrists where his two web shooters sat, looking like common day leather cuffs. He had spent a few weeks on them with Mr. Stark and had finally managed to get down a non-conspicuous look for them building them with nanotech so he wouldn't have to worry about his suit being found if his bag was ever opened without his permission. 

His web shooters were now in the style of a half inch of black leather bracelets on both wrists, with a slightly raised web design. The back where the shooters clasped together had a spider engraved which is what Peter touched once.

When designing the new Spider-man tech, Mr. Stark decided that Peter needed a few different settings. Setting one is one touch to the spider, sending a message that Peter needed immediate help. Setting two, two touches, causes his mechanism for his web shooters to form, so he can use them without having to don the suit. And the last setting is for his whole suit to appear. 

Sending the distress signal only takes a minute but Peter can hear people out in the halls. Something is wrong though, he hears not one, not two, but what sounds like a small army coming down the hall.

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