chapter 1

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Eren's p.o.v

My eyes flatters open at the sunlight coming through the window.i am wide awake...yet i am still laying on the bed,exausted.cause i couldnt sleep last night at all.after what happend,how am i supposed to face mind started racing first thing in the morning.crap...why is this happening....

Last night...

I was coming back home.while walking i bumped into the heck am i doing?i lookd into the person to apologise.she was tall with messy brown hair in a ponytail.she wore glasses which looked more like goggles.''I'm sorry mam.I wasnt paying attention.''the woman looked at me and boy she had a massive grin plastered on her face.''oh dont worry kiddo.i wasnt paying attention either.i was actually amazed by your towns beauty so i was just dazed....''oh crap here goes my ear drums.why hell is she being so loud for?it was really quiet around and yet she is yelling like crazy.wait...i've never seen this woman before,not in the town atleast.but she does look familiar.''Umm...excuse me mam.are you new around here?I've never seen you around here before.did you come here to visit someone?''her grin widend.''My yes.i am looking for a person cause i have something to deliver.your town is so tiny yet i cant find his silly of me.''she started to laugh like a mad person.i was bewildered by her laugh.what's wrong with this woman?i know i must avoid her at any cost....''well,you see,i live around here.if you tell me that person's name i can take you to his or her home.''oh no...i shouldnt do this.i must leave now.mikasa will be really mad.i hope she declines my offer.hurry up and be polite lady!''oh my,thank you soo''oh shit...she reached into her pocket and brought out a letter.reading it she finally spoke in her loud voice,''his name is Eren Jeager.he works in a private company's branch any chance you know him?''i was shocked.she was looking for me?for what?''well,actually i'm eren jeagar must be looking for me then.''i said that nervously.i dont like the way things are going.hearing this her eyes started glitering.''Really?goodness mother ymir.that must be fate that i bumped into you tonight.''she started to jump a little.''by the way i am Hanji Zoe.nice to meet you Eren.''we shook hands and i gave her a questioning look.she understood my gesture and handed me the letter.i looked at the letter reading my name on it.then looked at her grinning face to say thank you.but before i could say anything she started to yell again.but this time a little slower.''so Eren here's the thing.I came from the trost district.i work in a company which is called The Wings Of Freedom''holly crap!she must be joking.thats the biggest company in this decade.what does she have anything to do with me.''aparently my boss has just bought your little office for our industrial you see from now on all of the emplyees are jobless now.that includes you EREN JEAGER.''i felt my feet lost its palms were legs started to shake.what am i isnt happening.tell me its a has to be a fucking dream.''wh-what a-are you....''i lost my words.i was panicking.what will happen to my family now.even though mikasa is earning her salary is not enough.we wont be able to spend a week with that money.Hanji might have got what i was she started again.''Dont worry eren boss is a kind hearted man.he wont leave u.''what?here i am jobless and she is saying that he is kind hearted?wait a minute...''wh-what do you mean that he wont leave me?''for the first time i saw her smile drop.but only for a split second.''what i meant to say is that you people wont be boss has offered a post in the company for you.''she waited...''for some of you who he thinks deserve that place.''i was still bewildered.still trying to consume whats going on.Hanji continued with her bragging and staff but i wasnt quiet listening....

Present time

After remembering the night i finally got up from bed.i brushed my teeth.washed my face.took a bath.cleaned my room.i dod other unnecessary staff too.i still want to clear my head.after spending quality amount of time i finaly go downstairs for breakfast.mikasa is sitting at the kitchen counter.with her usual grumpy expression.i looked at her and faked a smile''Morning mikasa.''shee looked at me,sayed nothing.alright.someone is mad now.what was i expecting.i sat at the dining table and mikasa put a plate of food infront of me.i silently started eating,stealing glances towards her now and then.she did nothing but stood infront of me untill i finished.then she finaly spoke,''so then eren.spit out already.''i shifted in my chair uneasily.didnt look at her.''Why r you hiding something from me eren.dont you trust me?i know that face of always make that face when u are worried bout tell me.what happened last night.why were you late?''mikasa glared at me.i finally gave up and told her everything.about meeting hanji san,about losing my job and being recruited by the famous company out of i was speaking Armin came at our place bringing the news about our office being sold.then again i explained everything to him.after hearing everything armin finaly talked,''so u got another job at once in the company which also made u jobless?i dnot think its a good idea eren.this hanji person told you that some of us will get recruited by that company.but the fact is only you got the job one else.isnt it kind of suspicious?''mikasa nodded at his statement.i just sit head blank.part of me wants to join the new company to support my family.but there's also a part of me who is screaming in protest.thats right.i dont wanna go back to trost district.not after what happend 5 years ago....

Yeap.another cliffhanger.but dont worry the yandere part is coming right away.the story has just stay tuned.till tje next chapter.....

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