chapter 10

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Broad day light came into the room to greet the sleeping brunette awake. He squinted his emarald eyes open as he greeted the morning like usual. Only then he remembered that he was no longer in Shiganshina. And when the realization hit him, the soft sunlight felt like daggers on his already tan skin.

''Huh...alright Jeager. Better get ready now. All I have to do is smile...''

Saying this to himself, Eren got up from the oversized bed and dragged himself to the bathroom to freshen up. While brushing teeth some memories flooded his absent mind.


''Eren, if you would just listen to me for once then I'll leave you alone.''

''Why should I believe you? I don't wanna hear a single thing from your cursed mouth.''

''Please, Eren. This is the last time. I'm telling this for your own good. At least hear me out will you?''


''Fine. What is it?''

Eren just got up from the drug Hanji gave him earlier that day. He was still kinda dizzy as he remained in bed with only a white button up shirt and black boxers. Hanji sat beside the bed and started explaining his situation and her offer to work with her at the company.

All the time she spoke, Eren kept his piercing gaze with the brown eyes as if trying to find any tricks behind them.

''So as you can see. If you begin to spend more time at the company, Levi would have no choice left but to act natural. I know he might be a little scary sometimes. But to the the outside world, he is a very strict and hardworking man. And he is bound to keep that posture.''

''So you're saying is that I should join your one hell of a company to keep Levi off my pants?''

''Well, if you say it like that, yes.''

''Dont fuck with me bitch. The company you are proposing is Levi's. That son of a bitch will be there 24/7. And you are asking me to join that fucking place? Yeah, not buying that.''

''Huuhh...Eren. I'm also there 24/7. And as I mentioned earlier, Levi is bound to live as a normal human being outside. So even if he wanted to, he cant do anything in that fucking place. And also.....I'll be there to keep you safe from him.''

Eren gave her a look of pure amusement. He started to laugh like a madman. He laughed so hard that tears started to leak from the gorgious emarald orbs. Hanji on the otherhand remained dumbfounded.

''Hahahaha......I'm sorry. What did you just said? You're gonna protect me from him? YOU? The one who brought me here?''

Eren's expression immedietly got dark.

''Don't joke around me like that. That's a really bad joke you just made.''

Hanji flinched at his low voice. She felt really bad about it. That's right. It's her fault that Eren is here, trapped like rabbit. But she pretended not to see through it. After a long pause and intense glare, Hanji finally got up from the the side of the bed. She took the jacket from the chair and headed to the doorway, preparing to leave. She reached the door nob but stopped. The brunnette woman turned to the angry male and said,

''Eren.....just give it a thought okay? Because just by joining that workplace, you might actually find a better life than just sitting in this goddamn cage. Don't you think that too?''

She gave a sad yet comforting smile. Then she left, leaving a furious yet confused brunette behind.

End of flashback.

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