Chapter 9

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It was 5:37 when Amy woke up for yet another time that night - she had refused to keep counting gone midnight, but she had gotten to six times before she stopped five hours ago. She grudgingly sat up slowly before stepping out of bed and making her way to the bathroom to pee.

A few minutes later, she came back out of the room and began making her way back to the bed to hopefully get comfortable again and fall back asleep - knowing she'd be up in another half-hour or so to pee again. As much as she loved the twins already, the fact they had recently found her bladder as fun toy to play around with twenty-four hours of the day was beginning to get exhausting.

Just as she gets herself back under the comforter, Jake begins to stir beside her.

With his head still half into his pillow, he groggily turns his attention to Amy beside him. "Were you just out of bed?" He wonders, his voice dry as he stifles back a yawn.

Amy nods and hums as a response as she closes her eyes to fall asleep again.

Jake narrows his eyes to the alarm clock sitting on his bedside table before turning his head back to look at Amy on the other side. "It's 5:40, what are you doing out of bed?" He questions.

"I had to pee, Jake, because the twins seem to enjoy playing around with my bladder." Amy sighs, eyes sealed closed.

A moment passes before she can feel Jake moving in closer to her, resting his arm over her prominent belly. She leans in to his chest as he whispers, "Well, I'm sorry, but just remember that it will be worth it."

Amy nods, opening her eyes again. "Yeah, I know, I know. I just can't wait for them to get here." She says as she places her hand beside Jake's, resting against the top of the bump.

Jake smiles widely. "Nor can I," he says with the grin before putting a chaste kiss to her forehead, "But we're gonna have to try to fall asleep again or somebody's gonna be grumpy tomorrow."

In reply, Amy swats her hand up and gently hits Jake in the shoulder. "Hey!"

He shrugs. "I'm talking about me."

She smiles and leans further into her fiancé's chest, closing her eyes for a second time to try and fall asleep again.

And for the next ten minutes, Amy continues to shuffle around as she tries to get comfortable - which didn't seem a problem to Jake as he was asleep within two or three minutes. Soon after Jake had fallen asleep beside her, one of the twins had noticed she was still awake and had decided that now was the best time to become active, which she smiled about at first but soon they found her ribs so she wasn't smiling anymore. She's able to keep her eyes closed through the kicks from one of the twins, but at the sudden but slight tightness in the front of her stomach is enough to make her almost bolt her eyes open. She goes to sit up against the headboard, which quickly wakes up Jake again.

Muffled and still half-asleep, he questions. "What are you doing?" He looks up to her with his eyes half-shut.

"Nothing, it's not important." The sudden agitation in her voice makes him open his eyes completely and sit up beside her.

"Ames, you okay?" He asks, moving up on to his knees and grabbing her hand in his. He could feel a little pressure bearing down on his hand, but it wasn't that alarming. It mainly just reminded him of when he made Amy go on one of the rides at a park a few years ago.

She nods. "Yeah, it's just cramps, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Are cramps normal this late? Are they normal at all?" The panic was clear in his voice as he raised his eyebrows.

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