Chapter 10

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"Peralta, my office." Holt blurted out, immediately getting the attention of the aforementioned detective, as he stood in the doorway between his office and the bullpen.

Jake gave a concerned look to Amy, who returned a shrug of her shoulders as he stood from his desk and followed his captain's orders.

The detective sat on one of the seats in front of the desk inside the office, sitting quietly and patiently as the captain returned around the desk to his chair.

As Holt sat down, Jake leaned forward slightly. "Sir, I don't remember doing anything I'm not supposed to in a work environment, so may I ask why I've been called in here?"

Holt placed his hands on the desk and stares to the detective for a brief moment before speaking up. "You know your Fernsby drug case?" He asks.

Jake nods as part of his response. "Predicted ten-kilos of cocaine and heroin."

"Security footage has caught Fernsby and his crew checking in into a motel. I need you to stakeout a room for one night, set up surveillance and I'll have a relief team come in and takeover for a three-day sweep." Holt says.

Jake can't help but widen his eyes subtly. Luckily, Holt doesn't notice. "Just one night?" He wonders.

"Well yes, you do have other cases, don't you?"

The detective nods again. "Yes, I do."

Holt raises his hand up slightly. "Then it's one night."

Jake pauses for a moment before raising another question. "When would the stakeout be?" He asks.

"Tuesday." Holt replies. This time it's clear to the captain that the detective widened his eyes. "You would arrive to the motel early Tuesday morning and the relief team would takeover late Wednesday night. Is that alright with you?"

The detective takes a subtle look out the window behind him out to the bullpen. His eyes fall on Amy, who had insisted on remaining at the precinct as late into the pregnancy as she was allowed - which they had decided on being a few days before they would go to the hospital for their planned induction in two weeks time - before he quickly looked back to Holt. Jake nods. "Yeah, it's fine."

Six Hours Later

"You're not mad, are you?" Jake asks as they approach the apartment door.

Amy smiles in his direction. "No, of course I'm not mad, why would you think I'd be mad?" She asks.

Jake sighs. "I don't know, because you're close to giving birth and I'm going away."

"It's not like it's for a month, you're gonna be gone one night, Jake." Amy holds back a giggle as she hands over her set of keys for the apartment - seen as Jake had left his set at home that morning.

As Jake sets down his bag by the door, he raises his eyebrows to his fiancée. "So you're really not mad?"

"Babe, I promise, I'm not mad." Amy says as she makes her way to the couch to sit down.

He follows her to the couch and stands behind. He leans over and gives her a chaste kiss against her forehead. "Can I get you anything?" He wonders.

Amy thinks for a minute before smiling up at him. "Just a glass of water."

As Jake goes to the kitchen, he looks over his shoulder back to the couch. "Those Braxton Hicks again?" He asks as he grabs a glass from the cupboard over the sink.

Amy nods and hums. "Yeah, I think it's because I've been on my feet a lot today, I read that lots of movement can trigger them."

A moment later Jake returns back into the living room with the glass of water. He hands it off to Amy with a smile and another kiss against her forehead.

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