Undiscovered Gems

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Welcome to another issue of Fairy Tail magazine 2014 Undiscovered Gems, HERE WE COME!

By both Nutster and Kswalsh. Although you can call us Nut-chan & Koko-chan!

DISCLAIMER: The authors of these Fanfictions suggested in here have been asked for their permission, all have agreed.

P.S Please notice that Nutster only joined after I asked her to feature her story, by whatever means she didn't ask at all. -Kswalsh

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Title: Blizzard (Fairy Tail Gray Fanfic)

Completed or not: No, so far only 4 or so parts.

Author: Nutster

P.S. Her birthday is (was) on the 11th of September, be sure to say Happy Birthday!

Description: "Let's be friends!" The boy smiled holding out his hand. The girl froze for a second. "What is a friend?" She tilted her head. The boy opened his mouth to say what it was, but the girl cut him off. "Oh, I remember now. Mother says I'm not allowed to have those. I didn't want to have you as one anyway. Now go away, you're annoying and pesky." She said harshly. "Can I meet you again somewhere?" He asked.

"No," She replied, "I'm in a family of assassins, and I'm always traveling. You'll probably never see me again. I don't even want to see you anymore brat." The boy just smiled as he turned around. "I'll find you Ayaka."


Nightwalkers are a family of assassins, possibly the best in the world. They can kill five people in a blink of an eye. Once the 5th child was born, they said that she would be the strongest. That she would be able to kill twice the people they have. Even take over the world. The Special child. But that special child ran away from home, stabbing her father and brother. She went off to find a new life. A few days after that girl ran away from home, Fairy Tail was doing research on Nightwalker, Levy mostly. But why were they? On the S-Class request board, a strange request was there. Everyone could feel a horrible aura coming from it. The request was to capture a Nightwalker. Two days after that, a girl was accepted into Fairy Tail. Her name?

Ayaka Nightwalker.


Thoughts: The description grabbed my attention and I immediately had to read it. The plot is great and I think I can see it leading into a Gray x OC possibly? Over all it has the balance of not too much romance and centers around Fairy Tail having action and comedy. Her spelling is amazing and I love her cover which is done by 7Panda7. Grammar Nazis, you are hereby safe and sound, no war happening here.

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Title: Fairy Girl (Fairy Tail AU)

Completed or Not: Nope, 6 parts and 24 pages so far.

Fairy Tail Magazine September Issue #4Where stories live. Discover now